Sunday 15 June 2014

טל נ' אגודה צרכנית שיתופית בעמ ואח'טל נ' אגודה צרכנית שיתופית בעמ ואח'

בפנייבקשהלמתןצוגילוימסמכיםבשלבשלפניהגשתבקשהלאישורתביעהנגזרת, לפיסעיף 198 אלחוקהחברות, תשנ"ט-1999 (להלן: "חוקהחברות"). המדוברבתביעהנגזרתאותההמבקשמעונייןלהגישבשםהמשיבה 2, חברתקו-אופישראל- רשתסופרמרקטיםבע"מ( להלן: "קו-אופ" אוהחברה"). קו-אופהנהחברהפרטיתבבעלותההמלאהשלהמשיבה 3, קו-אופישראלאגודהצרכניתשיתופיתבע"מ( להלן: "אגודתקו-אופ" או " האגודה"). אגודתקו-אופמונהכ-13,000 חברים, המחזיקיםבמניהאחתשלהאגודה, כלאחד. המבקש, מרקטל (להלן: "טל" או "המבקש"), הינובעלמניהשלהאגודה, חברמורשוןהאגודה( גוףהמהווהתחליףלאסיפההכלליתשלהאגודה, אשרחבריונבחריםבידיבעליהמניותאחתלארבעשניםו-25% מחבריוהינםעובדיהחברה) וכןחברמזכירותהאגודה ( המהווהאתה"ועד" המנהלשלהאגודה, שחבריהנבחריםאחתלארבעשניםבידימורשוןהאגודה); עדלחודשיוני 2013 ומזהכעשורשניםכיהןהמבקשכחברדירקטוריוןהחברה, מטעםהאגודה. לטענתושלהמבקש, מזהתקופהארוכהנפלופגמיםרביםבהתנהלותהחברהועומדותלהעילותתביעהכלפימספרנושאימשרהשכיהנוומכהניםבה, ובראשםהמשיב 3, עו"ד עופר פיינשטיין ( להלן: "פיינשטיין"), המכהןכמנכ"להחברהובעברכיהןבהכ"מנהלמיוחד" וכיועץמשפטי. כברבפתחהדבריםאומרכידיןהבקשהלהידחות, לאורחוסרתוםהלבהקיצוניהעומדביסודהולאורחוסרניקיוןכפיושלהמבקשבהגשתהבקשהובמסגרתניהולההליךבפניביתהמשפט. עיקריטענותהצדדים טלביקשמביתהמשפטליתןצוהמורהלחברהולאגודהלמסורלידיורשימהארוכהמאודשלמסמכיםהנוגעיםלפגמיםאשרנפלו, לטענתו, בהתנהלותהחברה.לתמיכהבבקשתולמתןצוגילויהמסמכיםוכתשתיתראייתיתראשוניתלתביעההנגזרתהאמורה, ביקשטללהצביעעלשורהשלפגמיםבהתנהלותהחברהועילותתביעההעומדותלה, אשרעיקרםכדלקמן: לטענתושלטל, שכרושלהמנכ"להקודםשלהחברה ( עדליום 31.12.2011) נקבעבניגודלדיןוללאאישורדירקטוריוןהחברה, אשראףלאנחשףב"זמןאמת" לגובההשכרששולם. משכך, טעןטל, עומדתלחברהעילתתביעהמבוססתנגדהמנכ"ללשעברונגדכלאחדמחברידירקטוריוןהחברהבתקופההרלוונטית, האחראיםאישיתלשכרהגבוהששולםללאאישורכדין. בשנת 2011 התגלואי-סדריםבאחתממחלקותהחברה.לטענתושלטל, חברידירקטוריוןהחברהופיינשטיין, שכיהןאזכיועץהמשפטישלהחברה, התנהלובדרךרשלניתואסורה, באשרלאניהלודיוןפתוח, מעמיקומקיףבנדון, ולאפעלולמיצויההליכיםכלפיהעובדיםהנוגעיםלאותהפרשייה. לטענתטל, במסגרתהליכיההבראהשעברההחברהבשנת 2011, מנכ"להחברההקודםופיינשטיין, בהיותוהיועץמשפטישלהחברהדאז, פעלובשםהחברהמולרשםהאגודותהשיתופיות, ללאאישוראוידיעתהדירקטוריוןוללאסמכותכדין.במסגרתזאת, טעןטל, הוחלטעלפרישתושלהמנכ"להקודםתוךהענקת "הסדרפרישהפנטסטי", כלשונו, וכןעלמינויושלפיינשטייןכמנהלמיוחדשלהחברה, מבלישנערךדיוןאושהתקבלההחלטהמסודרתבנדוןבידידירקטוריוןהחברה, שהתרשלוהתפרקמסמכותו. עלכן, טעןטלכיקיימתלחברהעילתתביעהנגדפיינשטייןונגדחברידירקטוריוןהחברה, אשרהפרואתחובותהאמוניםוהזהירותבההםחביםכלפיה. עודהוסיףוטעןטלכיבשלבמאוחריותרפיינשטיין " הפךעצמו" ממנהלמיוחדלמנכ"ל, תוךהטעייתהדירקטוריוןכימדוברבשינויסמנטיבלבדועלכן, עומדתלחברהעילתתביעהנגדפיינשטייןשמונהלתפקיד " במחטף", כמוגםנגדחבריהדירקטוריון, אשרפעלו " בהעדרהפעלתכלשיקולדעתוללאהבאתםבחשבוןשלהשיקוליםהרלוונטייםכנדרש". לטענתושלטל, יו"רדירקטוריוןהחברההקודם( עדלחודשאוגוסט 2012) סייםאתתפקידובחברהוזכהלהסכםפרישהנדיבוסודי, שלאביוזמתהדירקטוריוןוללאידיעתחבריואתתוכןההסכם. בכך, טעןטל, קיימתלחברהעילתתביעהנוספתנגדפיינשטייןונגדחבריהדירקטוריון. לטענתטל, פיינשטייןמינהוקידםאתמקורביולתפקידיםשוניםבחברה, לרבותהיועץהמשפטישלהחברהבמקומו, שנידירקטוריםחיצונייםויועץלעניינינדל"ן, תוךשהואמעניקלהםהטבותכספיותרבות, ללאסמכותוללאאישורהדירקטוריון, ובניגודלדין. עודהוסיףטלוטעןכיפיינשטייןעשהשימושפסולבכספיהחברה, במספרעניינים, לטובתוהאישית, ללאאישורהדירקטוריוןובניגודלדין. המשיביםהגישותגובהמפורטתומנומקתלבקשתושלטל, הןלגופהשלכלאחתמעילותהתביעהלכאורההנזכרותבהוהןביחסלרקעהעומדביסודהגשתהבקשהוטענותהסףהעומדותלהם.מאחרומצאתילנכוןלדחותאתהבקשהבשלחוסרתוםהלבוחוסרניקיוןהכפייםשביסודהומאחרמדוברבהליךמקדמישלבקשהלגילוימסמכיםלפיסעיף 198 אלחוקהחברות, הרישבמסגרתהחלטתיזואיןצורךלהרחיבולהכריעבדברטיעוניהמשיביםבנוגעלכלאחתמעילותהתביעהגופן. באשרלרקעהעומדביסודהגשתהבקשהבהעסקינן, לטענתהמשיבים, הבקשההוגשהבמסגרתמאבקאישי, אשרטלמנהלנגדהחברהוהנהלתהממניעיםאישייםולאחרשלאנבחרלכהונהנוספתבדירקטוריוןהחברה.לטענתהמשיבים, הבקשהדנןהוגשהבשיהוירבונגועהבחוסרתוםלבמובהק, שכןטלכיהןבמשךשניםרבותבמזכירותהאגודה, בדירקטוריוןהחברהובמספרועדותמשנהשלהדירקטוריון ( לרבותועדתביקורתוועדתכוחאדם), ובמסגרתתפקידיולאהתנגדולאהביעכלהסתייגותבאשרלאיזהמןה"פגמים" הנזכריםבבקשתו. למעשה, טענוהמשיבים, טלהסתירמביתהמשפטכיבכלהענייניםהנזכרים, אשרלגביהםנטעןלהתרשלותושלדירקטוריוןהחברה, נערךדיוןמפורטבדירקטוריוןבנוכחותו, כאשרהואתמךבכלההחלטותהנ"לולעיתיםאףבירך- לפרוטוקולושלאלפרוטוקול - עלקבלתן.יתרהמזאת, לטענתהמשיבים, טלהגישאתבקשתובחוסרניקיוןכפייםוצירףלהחלקיפרוטוקולים, קטועיםוערוכיםבצורהמגמתית, תוךשהואמסתיראתתמיכתובהחלטותהאמורות. עודהוסיפווטענוהמשיביםכיטלמבקשלנהלאתההליךתוךפגיעהבטובתהחברה.ביןהיתר, טענוהמשיביםכיטלהדליףלעיתונותאתמכתביולחברהואתבקשתודנן( שלושהימיםבטרםשהוגשהלביתהמשפט), תוךשבאלוכלוליםפרוטוקוליםשלדיוניםבדירקטוריוןהחברהומידעעסקיחסויופרטישלה, אשרפרסומםהסבלהנזק. מנגד, ישלציין, טלהעידבפניביתהמשפטכילאיצרקשרעםעיתונאיכזהאואחרביחסלהליךדנן, ביןבעצמווביןבאמצעותמימטעמו. מלבדזאת, טענוהמשיביםכיטל, למעשה, מעלהטענותבדברהתרשלותםשלחבריהדירקטוריוןעליהםהואנמנהולמעשהמבקשלנהלתביעהנגזרתבשםהחברהנגדעצמו. בדיוןשנערךבביתהמשפטביום 19.3.2014 ובסיכומיו, ביקשטללטעוןכיחרףהעובדהשתמךבהצבעתובכלאחתמןההחלטותהנזכרות, בקשתוהוגשהבתוםלבמוחלט.זאתהיותורקבדיעבדומשגילהמידענוסףהתחוורלודברהטעייתורשלנותהדירקטוריון, משהצליחלהשליםאת" הפאזל" ולראותאתהתרחשותםהכוללתשלהדברים. כמוכן, טלטעןכיישלקבלאתהבקשהלמרותהטענותבדברחוסרתום-ליבו, בשלהצורךלהגןעלבעליהמניותבאגודה, שאינםיכוליםלעמודעלזכויותיהם. דיוןוהכרעה סעיף 198 אלחוקהחברותמסדיראתסוגייתגילויהמסמכיםבמסגרתהתביעההנגזרתוקובעכדלקמן[ ההדגשהשלי - ח' כ']: "198א. (א) מישרשאילהגישתביעהנגזרתלפיסעיף 197, רשאילבקשמביתהמשפט, לפניהגשתהבקשהלאישורהתביעהאולאחרהגשתה, כייורהלחברהלגלותמסמכיםהנוגעיםלהליךאישורהתביעההנגזרת. (ב) ביתהמשפטרשאילאשרבקשהכאמורבסעיףקטן( א) אםשוכנעכיהמבקשהעמידתשתיתראייתיתראשוניתלגביקיומםשלהתנאיםלאישורהתביעההנגזרתהמנוייםבסעיף 198( א)". וסעיף 198( א) לחוקהחברותקובע [ ההדגשותשלי - ח' כ']: 198. (א) תביעהנגזרתטעונהאישורביתהמשפטוהואיאשרהאםשוכנעכילכאורההתביעהוניהולההןלטובתהחברהוכיהתובעאינופועלבחוסרתוםלב. פעמיםרבותעמדובתיהמשפטעלחובתתוםהלבהחלה, כתנאיסףוכלליסוד, עלהתובעהנגזר( ראו: תנ"ג ( ת"א) 48081-11-11 ראובןרוזנפלדנ' אילןבןדב (17.3.2013) בפסקאות 80-49 ; בש"א ( ת"א) 8794/03 בןארינ' אבנרחיפושינפט, שותפותמוגבלת (1.12.2008) בעמ' 16-8). לפיכך, ביתהמשפטלאייעתרלבקשהלגילוימסמכיםלפיסעיף 198 אלחוקהחברותבעבורמבקשהפועלבחוסרתוםלבובחוסרניקיוןכפיים. כפישציינוהמבקשים, עיוןבחומרהראיותשהובאבפניביתהמשפטמעלהכיהבקשהדנןהוגשהבחוסרתוםלבקיצוניובחוסרניקיוןכפיים.במסגרתהבקשהדנןטלמליןעלההחלטותשהתקבלובדירקטוריוןהחברהבתמיכתוובברכתו, תוךשהואמציגבפניביתהמשפטאתהעובדותהרלוונטיותבאופןחלקיואףמגמתי. בזמןאמתטלהצביעבעדמינויועדתמשנהלדירקטוריוןשתקבעאתשכרושלהמנכ"להקודם, כנהוגבחברהמזה 34 שנים ( וזאתעשהעודבשנת 2003) ; טלתמךבאי-מיצויההליכיםכלפיהעובדיםשלקחוחלקבאי-הסדריםשנתגלובחברהוטיפולבעניינםבמישורהמשמעתי; טלתמךבדירקטוריוןהחברהבהחלטהעלסיוםהעסקתושלהמנכ"להקודם, בנסיבותהמקרהובאופןשבונתקבלה, וזאתלאחרשניהלשיחהאורכהעםהמנכ"להיוצאובירךעלהאופןבונסתיימוהדברים; טלתמךבמינויושלפיינשטייןכמנהלמיוחדובירךעלכך; לאחרמכןטלתמךפעמייםבמינויפיינשטייןכמנכ"לבפועלובהמשךכמנכ"לבאופןקבוע, וזאתלאחרשהועלובדירקטוריוןהנימוקיםבעדמינויוכמנכ"ל, חלףהגדרתוכמנהלמיוחד; טלתמךובירךעלההסכםשנחתםעםיו"רהדירקטוריוןהקודםעםסיוםהעסקתו; טלהצביעבעדמינוישניהדח"ציםלחברהואףבירךעלכך, וכןהצביעבעדמינוי " יועץהנדל"ן" הנ"ל; ובאותואופן, מינויהיועץהמשפטילחברהנידוןבדירקטוריוןובנוכחותושלטליותרמפעםאחת, וטלמעולםלאהעלהכלטענהאותלונהבעניין. רקבתגובתולתגובתהמשיביםטלביקשלהעלותהסבריםלפערביןבקשתווביןהתנהלותובפועלוצייןכירקלאחרשקיבלמידענוסףיכולהיהלהשליםאת" הפאזל", בדיעבד. מלבדהעובדהשהסבריםאלוהועלורקבשלבמאוחרולאנזכרובבקשהשהוגשהלביתהמשפט, הםאינםמשכנעיםואיןבהםכדיליישבאתהסתירהביןבקשתווביןהתנהלותובמשךזמןכהרב. בקשתושלטלמציגהאתהדבריםבאופןמגמתיומטעה.כך, למשל, בעודשטלטעןכימינויושלפיינשטייןלמנהלמיוחדנעשה " במחטף" וללאהסכמתהאגודה, בזמןאמתובעתשהדברנידוןבדירקטוריוןהחברהדווקאהואפנהלפיינשטייןוציין: "אנימברךאותךעלהמינויהזהשקיבלתואתההבן-אדםהנכוןבזמןהנכון" (נספח 20 לתגובתהמשיבים). בסיכומיוביקשטללטעוןכידירקטוריוןהחברההוטעהלחשובכיהמינוינעשהבהחלטתרשםהאגודותהשיתופיות, בעודשהלכהלמעשהממכתבושלהרשםלחברהעולהכיהמינוינעשהלבקשתהאגודהשלאלמנותלהחשבמלווה.לטענתושלטל, פיינשטייןניהלמשאומתןמולהרשםבחוסרסמכותוהביאלמינויוכמנהלמיוחד.לעומתזאת, טענווהסבירוהמשיביםכירשםהאגודותביקשלמנותחשבמלווהחיצונישילווהאתהחברהבמסגרתהליךההבראהשעברה, אךלבסוףנעתרלבקשהלמנותמנהלמיוחדמקרבהבמקום.בישיבתהדירקטוריוןבהדווחעלהמינויצייןטלכלפיפיינשטייןמפורשות: "כוליתקווהבאמתכיאתהאחדמשלנוומהיותרטובשאחדמשלנומחזיקאתהנושאבידכחלקמההבראהמאשרהיהנוחתעלינופהמישהומבחוץואזלאהיינומדבריםכךהיום" (נספח 20 לתגובתהמשיבים). טל, אפוא, ידעאזומודעכעתכיההחלטהלמנותחשבמלווהלחברהאכןהייתההחלטתרשםהאגודותהשיתופיותואילוההצעהשהועלתההייתה( רק) למנותאתפיינשטייןכמנהלמיוחדחלףחשבמלווה - בקשהאשרטלשיבחובירךעלכךשהתקבלה. באשרלטענתושלטלבדברמינוייםשלשנידירקטוריםהחיצונייםלחברהבידיפיינשטייןומטעמו, תוךהטעייתהדירקטוריוןוללאסמכותאואישורכדין, המבקשלאצייןכיהצביעבעדשניהמינויים; אתאחדהמינוייםאישררפעםנוספתבהפרששלשנה ( נספחים 31, 33 ו-38 לתגובתהמשיבים) ועלהשני ( שמונהלכהןגםכיו"רדירקטוריון) בירךואמר: "אנירוצהלברךאתאלי. ואניחושבשזהשאתהכאן - עופרבחרטובכיאנחנוצריכיםמובילואנחנואיתךכמובןבנושאהזה" (נספח 35 לתגובתהמשיבים).בפתחאותהישיבהצייןאותודירקטורחיצוני, מפורשות, כיהואמכיראתפיינשטייןמזהשניםרבות, עודכשהיהעו"דצעיר.בניגודלטענתושלטלכיפיינשטייןנמנעמלצייןשאותודח"צהינומכרותיק, הואילוככלהנראההדברהיהמשפיעעלמינויו, הלכהלמעשהטלידעעלהיכרותושלפיינשטייןעםאותודח"צועלכךשהואבחראתזהותו, ולמרותזאתשיבח, טעןש"עופרבחרטוב" ומסר "אנחנואיתך". באשרלטענתושלטלבדברסיוםהעסקתושליו"רהדירקטוריוןהקודםשלאביוזמתהדירקטוריוןאובאישורוותוךהענקתהסכםפרישהנדיבוסודי, עיוןבפרוטוקולישיבתדירקטוריוןהחברהמיום 29.8.2012 ( נספח 35 לתגובתהמשיבים) מעלהכיהנושאדווקאנידוןבדירקטוריוןהחברה; יו"רהדירקטוריוןהנכנספירטאתהנסיבותבהןנתקבלהסכםהפרישהעםיו"רהדירקטוריוןוצייןכי " בסה"כהגענולהסכמהטובהעםיוסיועםגילמבחינתהחיסכוןלרשתלעומתמקרהשהיינונאלציםלהגיעלתביעהולעורכידין", וטלעצמומסרמידלאחרמכן: "...ובמיוחדאנימברךאותךעלהסיכוםעםיוסי... הסיכוםשנעשהעםיוסיהואלמעןקו-אופוהעובדים". מכאןעולהשטלהכירבזמןאמתאתתוכןההסכםותמךבחתימתוובסיוםכהונתיו"רהדירקטוריוןהקודם, אושלחילופיןהתרשלבתפקידוכדירקטורוצייןכיההסכם - שאתתוכנולאהכיר - הואטובלקו-אופולעובדים.מידלאחרמכןנתקבלהבאותהישיבההחלטתדירקטוריוןהמאשרתאתהסכםהפרישה.עודישלצייןכישבועקודםלכןטלהצביעבעדקבלתהחלטהבישיבתמזכירותהאגודה, להסמיךאתנציגהאגודהבאסיפההכלליתשלהחברהלאשראתהרכבהדירקטוריוןבותומכתהאגודה - ללאיו"רהדירקטוריוןהקודם( נספח 38 לתגובתהמשיבים). באשרלטענתושלטלבדברמינוייועץנדל"ןלחברהבידיפיינשטייןומטעמו, טענוהמשיביםכילאמדוברביועץנדל"ןכיאםבהסמכתושלאחדמחבריהדירקטוריון, המתמחהבעניינינדל"ןוממילאמכהןכיו"רועדתנדל"ןשלהחברה, לטפלכיועץמקצועיבעסקהלמכירתאחדמנכסיה( אותוהתקשתהלמכור), תמורתתגמולביחסלהצלחתעסקתהמכירה. עסקהזוממילאלאיצאהאלהפועל.בזמןאמת, בישיבתדירקטוריוןהחברהמיום 10.9.2012 ( נספח 35 לתגובתהמשיבים) הציעיו"רהדירקטוריוןהחדשלדוןבענייןמכירתנכסהנדל"ןהנ"לואמר: "הבנתישלאריאלפרושישניסיוןעצוםבתחום. חשבנועלהאפשרותלפיהנתגמלאותועלבסיסהצלחה".אחדהדירקטוריםהחיצונייםשעלמינוייםהליןטלודירקטוראחדנוסףהיוהיחידיםלהעלותהסתייגותמסוימתמדברהמינויוחששומניגודענייניםביןקביעתהתגמולוביןכהונתושלאותואריאלפרושכדירקטורוכיו"רועדתביקורת( שמאיתעוררהחששכייתומרץלהצביעבעדאישורההעסקה) ועלכןהוחלטעלאישורההסמכהלטפלבנכס, בכפוףלאי-השתתפותוואי-נוכחותושלפרושבדיוניהדירקטוריוןבנושא. דווקאטל, אשרנכחבישיבהוהביעדעתוביחסלענייניםאחריםשנדונו, לאהעלהכלתלונהאוטרוניהבענייןזה.ההחלטהעלההסמכההתקבלהפה-אחד. באשרלטענתובדבראי-מיצויעילותהתביעהשלהחברהכלפיעובדיאחתממחלקותיה, בהנתגלואי-סדרים, עיוןבפרוטוקולישיבתדירקטוריוןהחברהמיום 10.4.2011 ( נספח 17 לתגובתהמשיבים) מעלהכיפיינשטיין, עודבתפקידוכיועץהמשפטישלהחברה, בחןאתהמקרהלעומקוערךדוחמפורטבנוגעלאירועיםשהתרחשוולמסקנותהמשפטיותשניתןלגזורמהם. הדו"חהוקראבפתחישיבתהדירקטוריוןונמסרלכלהמשתתפיםכיהינוחסויכלפיחוץ, אךביכולתםלעייןבובמשרדיהחברה.בהמשךהישיבהנדונההשאלהכיצדלפעולמולהעובדיםהנ"לוהאםמיצויהתביעהנגדםעשוילפגועבטובתהחברה( שכןבמידהויפוטרוויתבעוהםעשוייםלנסותולהתנקםבה), לאורהמלצותהדו"חשחיברפיינשטיין. ביןהיתר, אחדהדירקטוריםציין: "אנירואהאתההמלצותשלהיועץהמשפטישהינןהמלצותנהדרותומעזיצאמתוקוטובמאוחרמאשראףפעם. צריךלתתאמונינוליועץהמשפטישיעשהרקטובלחברה"; וטלמסרמידלאחרדבריםאלו: "אנימצטרףלחברי". בהמשךמסרטללגביהבכירשבאותםעובדיםכי" צריךללכתבכלהכיווניםאיתועלמנתשלאיצאמישהורעמקו-אופ". עמדהדומה, לפיהאיןלפעולבצורהאגרסיביתלמיצויכלעילותהתביעהשלהחברה, אלאבאפיקהמשמעתי, הביעטלגםביחסלשניהעובדיםהאחרים( נספח 17, בעמ' 4 ו-8 לפרוטוקול). לבסוףהוחלטלהסמיךשלושהמחבריהדירקטוריוןלבחוןאתהענייןואתטובתהחברהבנסיבותהמקרה - ללאמתנגדים. בתגובהלתגובתהמשיביםטלביקשלטעוןכירקבדיעבדהגיעאליומידעשהביאלכךשהביןשבדירקטוריוןנערךדיוןחסרולקוני.בדיוןשנערךבביתהמשפטצייןטל, ראשונה, כיקיבלמידענוסףכנ"לבישיבהשניהלעםמנכ"להחברה - ישיבהאשרלאנזכרהבבקשתואובתגובתולתגובתהמשיבים.כןטעןטללראשונהכילאפעלבנדוןבזמןאמת, שכןנמסרלושהענייןהועברלטיפולהמשטרה.איננימקבלטענותאלו, אשרלאנזכרובכתביהטענותוהועלואךורקבדיוןבביתהמשפט, וכשנהוחצילאחרהישיבההאמורהעםמנכ"להחברה.במשךזמןרבולאחרשקיבלאת" המידעהנוסף" בחרטלשלאלפעולבנדוןוהעלאתהדבריםבשלבזהתמוההואינהבמקומה, בלשוןהמעטה. בקשתושלטלנגועהבשיהויניכר, באשרנזכרותבהטענותועילותתביעהלכאורהאשרנתגבשועודלפניכשנתייםעדעשור.הבחירהלפנותלביתהמשפטרקודווקאעכשיומוליכהלמסקנהכיביסודהדבריםעומדיםמניעיםאישייםוזרים, ולאטובתהחברה. העלאתטענותחדשותוהרחבתהחזיתרקבדיוןבביתהמשפטפסולהואיןלקבלה.הואהדיןבאשרלסיכומיםשהגישטללביתהמשפט, אשרהוגבלובהחלטתימיום 2.4.2014 ל- 13 עמודים ( עקבבקשתושלטללהוספתשלושהעמודיםלעשרהשנקבעובתחילה), ובפועלכללו 13 עמודיםצפופיםו"עמוסים" ולאמפחותמ-63 עמודינספחים, שנערכועלידיהמבקשאובאיכוחו, וכולליםבתוכםתוכןסיכומילכלדבר. לכךישלהוסיףעודכיאתחלקםשלהמסמכיםשטלביקשלקבללידיוהואהחזיקממילאבשלבהדיוןבביתהמשפטובעתהגשתסיכומיו, מבלישיידעעלכךאתביתהמשפט. עלהחפץלבואבשעריושלביתהמשפטלפעולבכפייםנקיות.הגשתבקשההמגלהטפחומכסהטפחייםאסורהומסבהנזק, ולעיתיםאףעלולהלהובילאתביתהמשפטלקבלהחלטותשגויותעלבסיסמידעמגמתיומטעה.הדבריםחמוריםבמיוחדשעהשמתגלהכימאחוריהצגתןהחלקיתשלהעובדותהרלוונטיותניצבחוסרתוםהלבשבהגשתהבקשה.הקפדהעלהצגהנכונהומלאהשלהרקעהעובדתיבפניביתהמשפט, וניהולהוגןשלההליךלפיסדריהדיןוהחלטותביתהמשפט, הןמחובותיהםהבסיסיותשלהמבקשושלבאי-כוחו.וכפישנקבעבמפורשבסעיף 198( א) לחוקהחברות, תוםליבושלהמבקשהינותנאיסףלניהולושלההליךהנגזר. עלכןולאורכלהאמורלעיל, אנידוחהאתהבקשה. המבקשיישאבהוצאותהמשיביםבסךכוללשל 50,000ש"ח.

Thursday 12 June 2014


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Wednesday 11 June 2014

Steve Koncevich

Lettre de remerciement d'un particulier 10 Steve Koncevich J'ai récemment dû changer d'emploi et mon revenu a diminué par rapport à mon emploi précédent. J'avais l'habitude de mettre régulièrement de l'argent de côté dans un compte épargne-projet en vue de ma retraite, mais avec ma nouvelle situation, je n'étais pas certain que cela me permettrait d'économiser assez d'argent pour avoir une retraite confortable. Je tenais aussi à conserver ma qualité de vie malgré tout. Quand j'ai rencontré M. Koncevich, il a été très compréhensif et il m'a aussi aidé à m'habituer à ma nouvelle situation financière. Sans refaire complètement mon budget, il m'a toutefois suggéré quelques petits changements simples qui me permettraient de maintenir mon niveau de vie, en dépensant un peu moins. J'ai trouvé professionnel qu’il prenne autant de temps pour répondre à mes inquiétudes. J'étais heureux d'avoir trouvé un conseiller financier qui se préoccupait de moi, et pas seulement de mon argent. On a ensuite discuté de mes projets d'épargne. Au début, je pensais que je ne pourrais pas économiser autant qu'avant puisque mon budget avait diminué, mais M. Koncevich m'a présenté des solutions auxquelles je n'avais pas pensé. J'ai trouvé très intéressant de découvrir des produits d'épargne qui avaient un taux d'intérêt plus élevé et qui, au final, me donneraient plus de résultats que de simplement mettre l'argent de côté dans un compte séparé. On a exploré plusieurs produits d'épargne. Certains étaient très risqués et rapportaient beaucoup alors que d'autres étaient plus sécuritaires, mais avaient un taux d'intérêt moins élevé. M. Koncevich m'a même présenté des options d'épargne à terme, pour résister à la tentation de piger dans mes économies lorsque les finances sont un peu plus serrées. J'ai été très heureux de voir que les suggestions de M. Koncevich étaient adaptées à mes projets personnels et étaient vraiment conçues pour m'aider à atteindre mes objectifs. Puisque je ne pouvais pas me permettre une nouvelle diminution de mes revenus, M. Koncevich a aussi abordé un autre sujet avec moi : assurer mes revenus en cas de maladie ou d'accident. Je n'avais jamais pensé à ce type d'assurance, mais j'ai trouvé l'idée très intéressante. Lorsque j'ai décidé de rencontrer M. Koncevich, je croyais que la planification financière était une chose compliquée et je pensais que je ne comprendrais pas grand-chose à ce qu'il me dirait, car je ne suis pas un expert en finances. Finalement, le contraire s'est produit! M. Koncevich a pris le temps de bien m'expliquer chaque produit financier, comment il fonctionnait, et quel impact il aurait sur ma situation financière. Il a aussi répondu à chacune de mes questions et m'a aidé à comprendre comment faire une meilleure gestion. C'était comme un petit cours et je suis ressorti de la rencontre avec un nouvel intérêt pour la gestion de mes finances. Je n'avais jamais pris la peine de consulter un conseiller financier avant, mais je garde une très bonne impression de cette expérience. Après avoir rencontré M. Koncevich, j'ai eu beaucoup plus de facilité à m'adapter à mon nouveau budget et je me suis senti beaucoup plus en confiance par rapport à mon avenir financier.

Monday 2 June 2014

The Right Time In the past year to get Good value Intercontinental Fresh air Passes

A range of organized excursions and holiday companies have got their holds using the internet. They show vacationers on the most excellent and good value savings. It is always good to earn a recommended explore if not you would possibly property up in expending twice or thrice the in fact environment ticket fare. And it also is equally important to check the terms and conditions of the above portals. Just after you find a solid travelling location which gives you cost-effective atmosphere seats, you can actually look at the premiums with the conventional travel specialists. You may even look at if your local travel agent has got anything more appropriate to provide you for similar charge. Even travel companies make use of these websites to novel their client's seat tickets. It costs commission on reservation seat tickets. For this reason, by signing to the internet based and booking your very own seat tickets, you might actually preserve the commission ask for. Many types of around the net vendors give you amazing past-second prices. Few individuals would possibly watch for these kind of survive-minute specials. But this is certainly a bad idea simply because this may lead to wastage of time and money. It can possibly wait your trip any time you neglect to utilize the deal. There are many factors to be remembered and making your reservation for lower priced overseas atmosphere passes. The fare of aeroporika eisitiria is normally more significant on weekends - Fridays, Sundays and Saturdays. Number of Airlines also put in added costs in a identify of holiday weekend prices. It is far better avoiding flying on nowadays. Tuesdays and Mondays are preferably the number one mondays to fridays to travel. cold weather and Summer months family vacations are known to be the highest time. Throughout these breaks the routes are usually stressful and regularly overbooked. So it is much better to program your international process off of these holiday seasons. Before or when you finish Christmas and New Year's Eve, in the time of winter time perhaps you may travelling, having said that. Within the Xmas and New 12 months the aeroporika eisitiria will get scheduled effectively. For that reason, festive conditions is generally prevented. This couticketsld bring you sound savings. Selecting seats around 2-three months before hand is definitely a thoughtful approach to spare individuals a lot more cash. This method for you to conveniently assure your trip and prevent one more-second reserving service fees. Eventually, if you put off your journey onward then you could even call off those pre-booked oxygen tickets. The cancellation prices are minimal. Even more, the ticket prices also rely upon the fare sectors you select. Fare sets are only the lessons. When a specific program is reserved, the airlines de-report equivalent. Consequently, you ought to hire your passes of our school that matches your wallet as fast as possible. At this time seeking out aeroporika eisitiria are not that simple. You will have to check the world wide web a lot. You might want to research each and every on the market web page on-line that offers good value oxygen passes. You may also grab the help of on the net review web page.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Airfare to invest enchanted Seasonal

The erstwhile play ground Habsburg appears to enjoy and breathe in for The holiday season , while using internationally renowned exterior Christmas day trading markets (Christkindlmarkts) be erected year after year a lot more and earlier on , already ie 15 November : beginning from the primary and finest recognized , a face-to-face with Area Hallway at Rathausplatz for the most esthete , she should it get the idyllic cobbled roadways of Spittelberg ( community inside town , just like the Viennese think of it as ) . To Spittelberg can be a local with the 1800s the next whole year of bohemian night clubs - haunts artists ( like Amerling-Beisl with indoor sunroof and home garden , Stiftgasse 8), premium dining establishments ( single men and women postmodern Kulinarium 7 in Sigmundsgasse) and Stunning boutiques of hometown manufacturers, with taken over the Biedermeier style and design family homes . In about 100 solid wood stands that appeal to over 500,000 folks and provide items , customary and decors X-mas treats like ' bakery of lifespan »Lebkuchen ( snacks structured ginger herb ), gebrannte Mandeln ( candied roasted walnuts ), Maroni ( chestnuts ), Bratkartoffel ( cooked potatoes ), Bratwurst ( sausage ) and , first and foremost , gliihwein ( pleasant green vino with spices or herbs ) . You αεροπορικα εισητηρια and came in Vienna. If you would like see dressed up in whitened Vienna unfolds prior to when you, then head to the Onyx Nightclub, for the sixth floorboards for the inn DO And CO, where you will possess the ideal look at the Gothic St. Stephen's Cathedral , the Dachboden nightclub, in very last period ¬ costume of 25hours accommodation (Lerchenfelder Strasse 1 - 3) or modern Le Loft restaurant, bar And lounge ( within the 18th surface of your Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom, near the Danube Canal ) . The wintertime version of Vienna , with regards to the planting season / summer vacation , promotes the visitor to spend longer to learn the widely known brand of triangle shaped by pedestrianized , paved as well as notable Graben, Karntnerstrasse and Kohlmarkt. This results in lazily mornings drinking fragrant espresso and fresh baked strudel tsimpologontas the legendary traditional premium coffee region , begining with the most important cafe Central ( outstanding Kaiserschmarrn his most loved delicacy of this emperor ) additionally, the cafe Hawelka ( every single day at 10am bakes delectable buchteln, pancakes overflowing with jams ¬ das and skin cream ) and stopping together with the " Dioscuri " tradition of flavored coffee, the impressive coffee shop Sacher additionally, the atmospheric coffee shop Demel ( along with the cup glass windows with the inner hallway to allow you to discover their whereabouts dressed in white confectioners - painters at the job ) . Necessary along with a avoid at Cafe Landtmann (Universitatsring 4), wherever pretty usually spends time Sigmund Freud. Is almost a given you shell out just as much time in the Julius Meinl am Graben, three of the-storey yperntelikatesen town ( brand the little boy with turban ) , which has an cooker including a Japanese tea browse up sushi wine and eating venue pub, also adorned the microsoft windows of suppliers to indicate the taste imperial love kuk Hoflieferant (J. And L. Lobmeyr for glasses , SA K6chert pieces of jewelry , Knize for products and apparel for men , Rudolf Scheer & Sohne for shoes ) and also kitchen tables in the bistro Zum Schwarzen Kameel in Bognerstrasse, handled by in 1618 and also has just alongside patisserie and delicatessen. Regardless of what the weather conditions has been doing , it can be value to use the breakfast time or brunch on Meierei (, the more affordable type with the top rated Steirereck ( located just upstairs ) with the Stadtpark, riverfront , looking at just about anything constructed ? ?with milk and ideal strudel . The end of winter time vacations visuals most suitable - and typical - watching the illustration showing the widely known bright white horses Lippizan Spanish language Imperial Riding Education around the blog in the previous imperial palace Hofburg (, taking note of the choir boys of Vienna (www ., symbolic representation of Viennese heritage given that 1498 , and , keep in mind , monitoring a overall performance on the Vienna Say Opera (www. Come across Low-priced αεροπορικα εισητηρια for Vienna.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Drivers Daily Log – greatest assistant for truck drivers

Have you ever thought there could be something on the market that can help you keep track of your activity while you’re driving a vehicle on your long road trip? Say goodbye to the hustle and worries of keeping in mind how many hours you have driven, when you have to stop for breaks or how your daily program looks like. Forget about boring paperwork and start concentrating on the important activities you have to do, like just driving. You have now the possibility to ease up your work by simply installing software on your laptop, which goes by the name Drivers Daily Log. Don’t get worried, you don’t need to be a software engineer or to attend to special classes in order to use it. There’s a free trial version for 30 days to experience how it works and get familiar with the electronic format of the log. Take it for a spin, it doesn’t cost you anything and doesn’t require special registration, and you will be convinced of the help it will provide you in daily work. All of these come in a quick and simply manner. The drivers daily log will include all of your important information along the trip, such as type of charging, loading and unloading schedule, about the driver and co-driver, if the case. The software has a simple log paper design for an easy use. All data introduced in one day will be uploaded and summed up in the next day, the program doing all the math necessary to give a centralized view of your evolution. In the situation you are driving in a team with this software you can both work on the same log paper. A very special tool of the software also permits you to generate a Bill of Lading if necessary right there on the spot. Don’t worry if you encounter any issues along the way, the support given is always prompt to ensure you with immediate solutions. In this way you won’t be slowed down or your time wasted. If you have improvement ideas on how the log page should look for your better use you can request customization by simply sending a picture of your idea. Completed logs are saved daily and are available for months. You are able to print a log page any time you want. Printing is available for one or more logs in the same time. It is advised to print and keep the signed paper logs for at least 7 days in your truck, in case of random check-outs. drivers daily log software was created to ease the work and pressure of everyday assignments. Having all the paper work done by this program you can focus better on what you have to do and deliver better results. Dedicate you time on actually driving and let the software take care of all the other unpleasant business. All you have to do is to sacrifice a few clicks every day and the job is done.

Monday 28 April 2014

Thailand is now offering foreigners to invest in Hua Hin property business

Is nonnative’s permitted land fund in Hua Hin? Will nonnatives in Thailand acquire cash to purchase a manor or condominium? Is it true that you are looking to purchase an estate, townhouse or diverse hua hin property in Thailand? Furthermore would you say you need account? At that point check this report with all you have to know concerning property account for nonnative’s in the Land of Smiles. Property financing for nonnatives in Thailand is conceivable these days. However inside the past nonnative’s regularly couldn't obtain a contract from neighborhood Thai banks to back their dream townhouse or beachfront pool estate since a large portion of the cash stations in Thailand exclusively gave money to property buys to Thai nationals and Thai Corporations. Anyway things changed in 2005 after I saw Bangkok Bank PLC officering advances to outsiders in their Singapore branch and again in 2008 when I saw Bangkok Bank at long last issued outside credits by means of their Thailand principally based limbs essentially like we see it in our home nations. Inside the past contract loaning by local banks to non-Thai-nationals was practically uncommon in Thailand, yet recently I really have seen an impressive alteration in approaches to allow nominatives restricted access to financing. At first this was propelled by the Thai government's energy to expand tourism and to animate monetary improvement in Thailand. Thailand don't contrast from whatever available nation in this occasion since the majority of the banks (not every one of them) in Thailand give advances for land buys to local Thais and Thai firms fundamentally dependent upon comparative criteria we are utilized to in our home nations. Anyhow for nominatives the similitude do complete here when purchasing property in Thailand! Some Thai banks do offer contract administrations to nominatives however they force very strict terms and conditions for the outsider to qualify. One general vital condition is that the property has became possessed in the nonnative's name and thus the property ought to be enrolled as a townhouse under the Condominium Act in light of the fact that outsiders are not permitted owning different sorts of hua hin property in Thailand. Likewise the purchaser must pay least 30% down with the rest of financed in excess of 3 to 20 years, contingent upon the time of the borrower. You can just get cash in the bank in the event that you are short of what 65 years of age - and the contract must be forked over the required funds when you turn 65 years of age. So in the event that you are say 55 years of age today you can obtain the cash for 10 years.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Moving tips in the big apple

While moving can be a stressful affair it’s always good to have some little tips that can help you when you next move. This is a guide to help our fellow Manhattan folk find some useful knowledge from the task at hand they face. Untitled 1. Pack an overnight bag with essentials you might need, to save digging through boxes once you get to your new place. 2. Items that you need first can be packed in clear plastic bins, you can get these from the container store and it makes it so much easier to see and find stuff you need. 3. Wrap breakables in clothing to save some cash on packing materials; it’s really handy to protect glassware also. 4. For extra padding pack your (clean) socks in to glasses and cups. 5. Add labels to all of your boxes so you know which room they need to go to and what’s inside them. 6. Once you move in to the new place have some cleaning supplies ready to give it a quick scrub and have a shower curtain ready to put up if you need one so you can take a nice hot shower after a day of unpacking boxes. 7. Cotton wool can be great to protect any makeup in transit, just place a ball in to the powder box to protect the glass. 8. If you have shampoo bottles and other toiletries then please make sure to tape the lids shut and pick up some big zip lock bags to seal them in incase they leak. 9. If you stack the plates like vinyl they won’t break and you can protect them in an easier fashion. 10. When moving bedroom dressers just keep you clothes in there and wrap them. 11. Stretch wrap is your friend! Use it to wrap everything from the mattress to your dressers and anything with doors that could swing open. 12. Little sandwich bags can be used to keep nuts and bolts plus screws that are loose once you start to disable anything large like a bed frame. Or TV unit. 13. If you have cables and wires that are connected to media consoles or sound systems then we suggest you take a picture before you start disconnecting everything. You can even get some white electrician tape to wrap around the cables and write where they go for easier reconnection on the other end. 14. Hampers and baskets can be used to help store blankets and other such home goods that need to be relocated. 15. Pack a closet quick by using a trash bag to bunch your garments together and box them up. 16. Anything you don’t need then donate it or put it on craigslist; your fellow friends around Manhattan who know you are moving might even want some of the stuff you are trying to get rid of. 17. Don’t break your back moving large objects if you are thinking of doing it yourself get a quote from movers manhattan to make sure everything is getting to your new location in one piece. We have more advice but that will be in our next moving article, we hope this helps. For more info about our service please contact us.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Kevin Durant Ties Jordan’s Mark

Kevin Durant has transformed right before our eyes. He came into the league a lanky skinny kid and has grown into the Man of All Men in the NBA. Durant, in a loss to the Houston Rockets Friday night, scored 28 points. Ho-hum right? Wrong! That was Kevin Durant’s 40th game with at least 25 or more points. A streak so impressive only one other person in the past 50 years had accomplished it, and that person is Micheal Jordan who some believe to be the best baller in the game… ever. Durant who had long been considered number two as the NBA’s top dog behind LeBron James has certainly passed by him for top honors this years. Durant had been the favorite for the MVP award this season and this impressive streak just puts the icing on the cake. Even his teammates are impressed, fellow running mate Russell Westbrook put it nicely, “That’s a lot of games to be scoring 25 points in a row. You can’t just not think about that. That’s an unbelievable stat. I think he may just finish the season doing that. He does that in his sleep.” Twenty five points isn’t a whole lot when your averaging 31 a game but to do it for 40 straight game is mind boggling and like Westbrook said, who knows how long this streak will continue. Even Larry Bird, who is considered one of the greatest Forward to ever play, hadn’t come close to a steak like this. The amazing thing is do we really even know if KD has reached his peak? At only 25 years of age right now Durant is still growing into his body and evolving his post game, if he’s this good now, it’s scary to imagine how great he could be in a few years For more info: click here. .

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Bruce Lee Fighter Available on the Next EA Sports UFC

After seeing his movies, we all wanted to be like Bruce Lee. With his legendary moves, lighting quick hands, ferocious kicks and mind blowing acrobatics it was not to want to emulate the legend. UFC fans had long been waiting for EA Sports had long been waiting to reveal a ‘mystery fighter’ they had been teasing. It was not too difficult to imagine that EA Sports would sooner or later incorporate Bruce Lee into their UFC games as most of the world’s best UFC fighters look at Bruce Lee as a idol and many have even modeled their techniques after him. This couldn’t have been done without the Lee family’s cooperation and their business entity, Bruce Lee Enterprises, who shared a treasure trove of digital references, behind the scene shots and candid videos to help video programmers develop the most real-like Bruce Lee 3-D image. But its not easy replicating a legend, EA Sports Art Director Ian Lloyd was beyond nervous, “When we first heard that there was a possibility of adding Bruce Lee to the roster for EA Sports UFC everyone was excited at the prospect and more than a little nervous,” Lloyd said. “Nobody wants to tackle a legendary icon like this and mess it up. “We had done a pretty exceptional job on our UFC roster to that point, with the majority having been scanned expressly for the game,” Lloyd added. “A handful of fighters were being built in the ‘traditional way’ – using whatever reference we could get our hands on. Bruce would have to be built the same way.” But if the early reviews are to be taking at their word, then it seems like EA Sports has hit this out of the park. Having admired Bruce Lee myself, I will be among the first to line up and purchase the newest game. For more info click here

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Calling Card Pal, My New Friend

Recently, I was invited to try out an App for my cell phone that, I was told, would make my international phone calls from my device easier and still save the money I get by using my international calling card. I make a lot of calls to East Asia and Europe so I was intrigued—though skeptical. My opinion on this piece of software: Fantastic! I am neither a Tweener nor a Millennial able to tap out text on a mobile phone faster than a fly can blink. This easy to use, easy to access FREE App for Android, iPhone, and iWhatever-else products will take your calling card number, access code, and any pin number associated with the card and not only remember them for you, but also enter them for you in the appropriate places as you dial. Calling Card Pal is like a password storage system you may use for your computer that works for international mobile calls with your calling card data. Those of us who are curmudgeons, lazy, or befuddled by several long strings of numbers one must remember will love Calling Card Pal. The set-up is intuitive—as so often is not the case and easy to do with five logically sequential screens (though in my version—Android--it goes Screen #1, then to Screen #3, then on to #4, #5, & #6—I have double checked--Screen #2 is not missing it is just mis-numbered as are the subsequent screens - an easy fix). The interface is clean, sleek, and efficient. Once Calling Card Pal is turned on, it will reside in the background so you may make any number of calling card calls without having to restart the app. If you are concerned about battery life, it is simple to turn it off from the main menu screen when you have no need of it for a time. Repeating what I said above, one does not need to access this screen again after this app has been enabled; just dial from your keypad then Calling Card Pal will recognize an international call or, if one is in the United States, Canadian and North American long distance numbers, and automatically enter what data and numbers that are needed to complete the call with your calling card information previously entered. This free App works seamlessly with your phone card and mobile phone and even your contacts list. Time of the destination call is displayed. Once configured, there will be no more need to punch in access numbers or pin codes—it is all done for you. This app is easily obtainable from Google Play Store and the iTunes Store. For your convenience, I have put hyperlinks below to the appropriate sites. The main web site for Netspectrum Calling Card Pal, the vendor, is: Or go directly to the web site to the download for Android: Calling Card Pal, Android Or the web site for a direct download for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch is: Calling Card Pal, iPad Let me describe the main features of this great free app: * You do a one-time configuration, including your local access number and any pin number if needed * You dial international numbers directly from the app (iPhone) or Android dialer (Android) * No Access Number Nor Pin Number Needed * Calling Card Pal will automatically detect the foreign numbers and translate into proper dialing sequence to dial the local access number, plus any pin number (if so configured) and destination number * You can also dial international numbers directly from your phone book

Monday 14 April 2014

The legal advisor’s recommendation for hua hin property

The Thai Law does not permit abroad nationals to claim a hua hin property in the nation. Hence, outsiders need to break down the lawful issues that stick owning an area. Nonetheless, a remote national can battle for his or her ideal for building ownership unique in relation to land properties, in the same way as, condos. The Condominium demonstration of Thailand permits a nonnative to possess to the extent that 49 percent of the whole unit space of an apartment suite building, enlisted by the law. The buyer cans supplication for a letter of confirmation from the juristic individual of Condominium who sets out the rates of remote possession. Upon exchange of proprietorship, the remote national can send the structure to the Land Department. It is crucial for a remote purchaser to bring hundred percent of the funds from abroad. The stores in remote money will then require a Foreign Exchange Transaction Form. The Thai bank gives this structure to supply proof of the exchange to the area Department of the nation. A Foreign trade transaction structure needs to dodge confusions in light of strict money laundering tenets. It is likewise vital for a trade structure to evade settlement expense throughout repatriating stores. It is a matter of stress just when the nonnative offers the apartment suite at a later time. An outsider can possess the structure at a cost of 20 thousand US dollars. It is important for the individual to determine his or her motivation behind the installment in the request structure alongside detailing the unit number and the name of the apartment suite. One powerful path in which an outsider can purchase properties in the nation of Thailand is through long haul lease alternative. The abroad national can get enrolled leasehold as they are basic and really clear and additionally secure. Long haul leasehold structure with time and gradually get equivalent to freehold proprietorship. A singular can restore the hua hin property for two times. This amplifies the possession for 90 years in aggregate. There are practically no issues with security as owning the building guarantees fitting proprietorship rights. The lesser is not subject to possess the property once the lease lapses since the property has no connection with the area. It is likewise not obligated to turn into a subject under the Civil law of Thailand. A Lawyer can just get convenient for outside national while purchasing properties without precedent for Thailand. They give successful tips and lawful results that help the outsiders in future. For more info: click here

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Κορυφαίοι Προορισμοί μεαεροπορικάεισιτήριααπότην

Βρείτε αεροπορικά εισιτήρια για τους κορυφαίους προορισμούς όπως έχουν διαμορφωθεί και προταθεί από τα μεγαλύτερα ταξιδιωτικά γραφεία της Ελλάδας και όχι μόνο. Επισκεφθείτε μία από τις προτεινόμενες μας πόλεις, γνωρίστε την ξεχωριστή τους κουλτούρα και πολιτισμό και ανακαλύψτε τους φθηνούς ναύλους από τις προσφορές αεροπορικών εισιτηρίων που ανακοινώνουν οι αεροπορικές εταιρίες και αφορούν κρατήσεις που θα πραγματοποιηθούν δύο μήνες πριν την αναχώρηση. Μπορείτε μέσα από τη σελίδα μας να βρείτε αεροπορικά εισιτήρια για προορισμούς όχι μόνο της Ελλάδας, αλλά και σε όλον τον κόσμο. Παρουσιάζονται σε ξεχωριστή σελίδα του μενού της ιστοσελίδας μας ταξιδιωτικές πληροφορίες για προορισμούς που αξίζει να επισκεφτείτε. Ενδεικτικά επιλέξαμε για ελληνικούς προορισμούς, την Αθήνα, τη Χίο, την Κέρκυρα, τη Θεσσαλονίκη, τη Μύκονο, τα Χανιά, το Ηράκλειο, τη Ζάκυνθο, τη Σαντορίνη, τη Ρόδο, την Καβάλα, τα Ιωάννινα, τη Σητεία, την Αλεξανδρούπολη, την Κω, την Καβάλα και τη Σκύρο, για την οποία η Aegean air έβγαλε πολύ οικονομικά αεροπορικά εισιτήρια για το 2013 (ελπίζουμε όχι μονό). Επίσης, επιλέξαμε Ευρωπαϊκούς προορισμούς όπως Λονδίνο, Πράγα, Βιέννη, Βερολίνο, Μιλάνο, Παρίσι, Ρώμη, Κων/πολη, Βρυξέλλες, Βαρκελώνη, Άμστερνταμ , Μαδρίτη, Λισαβόνα, Μόναχο, Μάντσεστερ, Κοπεγχάγη, Λάρνακα, Ζυρίχη, Φρανκφούρτη, Βουδαπέστη, Τίρανα, Βουκουρέστι, Κάιρο , Γενεύη, Σόφια, Βενετία και Μπολόνια. Από την Αφρική μπορείτε άφοβα να ταξιδέψετε στο Κάιρο και στην Τύνιδα, ενώ στην Αμερική, φυσικά και δεν θα παραλείψετε τη Νέα Υόρκη, το Σικάγο, την Καλιφόρνια, το Σάο Πάολο, τη Μπραζίλια, το Καράκας και το Μπουένος Άιρες. Αν και βέβαια το ταξίδι στη συγκεκριμένη Ήπειρο είναι κάπως αλμυρό.. Στους προορισμούς που σας προτείνουμε καλό είναι να μετακινήστε με τη δημόσια συγκοινωνία. Σε περίπτωση, όμως, που έχετε συνηθίσει στις μετακινήσεις με το αυτοκίνητο, μπορείτε μέσα από την ιστοσελίδα μας να ενοικιάσετε αυτοκίνητο, σε πολύ οικονομικές τιμές. Νοικιάστε, λοιπόν νωρίς το αυτοκίνητο για τις μετακινήσεις σας στις διακοπές, αλλά και στα επαγγελματικά σας ταξίδια και επωφεληθείτε τις ανταγωνιστικότερες τιμές τις αγοράς για ενοικιάσεις αυτοκινήτων από το σε συνεργασία με το economycarrentals. Έχετε τη δυνατότητα για ενοικιάσεις αυτοκινήτων online 24 ώρες το εικοσιτετράωρο, αξιοποιώντας την τεχνολογία και τα χαμηλά λειτουργικά έξοδα του που προσφέρει ενοικιάσεις αυτοκινήτων σε πολύ οικονομικές τιμές.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Great solution for international mobile calls

Calling Card Pal. The best and the beast of all other international mobile calling applications ever developed. Calling Card Pal is an amazing application for all Operating systems for the smart mobile phones. For the best customer satisfaction, the developers of Calling Card Pal are frequently updating the application as often as possible mainly to improvise the easy registration for this application. I’m working as a journalist in one of the best news channel in the world. I’m basically from Italy but living in Australia. I came to know about Calling Card Pal and thought of exploring it. Yes I recommended this application to my parents, and friends in Australia. And the truth is it does works well with an added benefit of frequent calling from the parents of course. But apart from that, Calling Card Pal did pay me off. With the stream less communication facility with cheap international calling, I can able to make international calls as easy as possible. Just dial the number, if you’ve registered with the pin number or without the pin number, it is very easy to install this app and get started. I shared my experiences and the facilities about Calling Card Pal to all my colleagues who also installed Calling Card Pal and the same way just like me they are as well enjoying this app since we all have to communicate a lot all around the world. I am sure that I won’t use any another mobile calling card app apart from Calling Card Pal any more. This is really a very useful and very encouraging app. It did helped me in communicating with my other team working in Beverly Hills for fetching many Hollywood news and at the same time it immensely helps me to reciprocate the Indian Cuisines and festivals updated timely by my Indian traveling team. With the blast i have started using Calling Card Pal which still helped me to reproduce my work in the media, in the channel as realistic as possible. I make calls to the people who live in other countries and with flawless effect of the communication using Calling Card Pal from my mobile I am directly telecasting the audio coverage of the discussions in the channel. And more than that, yesterday I telecasted a live discussion which I had with a Soccer player live in the news time. It of course increased the TRP value of my channel where I work enormously! Calling Card Pal is really an app for the good. Very effective and becoming very popular in the media industry. A must have app in the smart phone. Yes! So, if you have a smart phone, you’d better have Calling Card Pal app as this is the best of its kind so far. As a very useful app for everyone and of all ages with very simple registration formalities, Calling Card Pal can be used very effectively. I can definitely tell that using this doesn’t change anything but it dramatically improves the daily life communication platform. I rate Calling Card Pal 5 out of 5 without any hesitation. I can definitely tell, this app is a platform for any other future communicating application.

What is Goalserve?

Goalserve is a premier provider of live scores . We provide scores from around the world from England to Denmark to France to United States etc. etc. You name the country and we have the scores. Our scores also comes in multiple languages from Spanish to French to Arabic to … again, you name it, and we have the language. We even provide the scores in Chinese. Our scores cover soccer, NBA, NFL, Tennis, Formula 1, and more. We cannot emphasize enough, “… you name it, and we got it…”. Our scores are real-time, and most of the data feeds are only 2-5 seconds delayed. The scores you get from Goalserve you often get 10 seconds before than what you get on TV. Goalserve is a fantastic opportunity for you to display real-time live data feeds on your web site for an affordable price. Goalserve’s prices are very competitive and in most cases below the competitors. On top of the low prices, the quality of the data delivered is very high. There are many reasons to choose goalserve over the competition; 1. We offer more sports than anyone else, 2. We offer more languages than anyone else, 3. Our data is real-time live data, 4. Our data is of the highest quality in the market. If you want to be ahead of the game, you need to sign up to the goalserve data service. It is a high quality data service, and by adding this data to your business you are putting yourself ahead of the game.

Friday 21 March 2014

Marangu Route

Marangu Route, Kilimanjaro Budget Trekking, Seeking a Budget Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing ,Marangu Route for the budget price you can afford.. mountkilimanjaro climb marangu route,6 days marangu route kilimanjaro climb Africa’s highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro, lies just three degrees south of the equator and is permanently snow-capped. It offers one of the best opportunities in the world to climb a peak at high altitude without the need for technical climbing ability. Affectionately known as the “Coca-Cola route”, Marangu Route is by far the most popular route to the summit of Kilimanjaro. This could partly be as a result of the fact that the Marangu is the least expensive route, but more so, perhaps the fact that it is possible to do the Marangu route in 5 days, thereby getting to the summit one day earlier than on the Machame route. This is not always the best way due to a shorter acclimatisation period. The Marangu route does however offer you the option of spending an extra acclimatisation day on the mountain. This extends the route to a 6-day march, greatly increasing your chances of success. Hut accommodation on the Marangu route forms one of the main differences, compared to the other routes. It offers you the relative luxury of being able to sleep in huts along the entire route. Mineral water, soft drinks, chocolates and beers are also sold at all the camps on this route. All your equipment and supplies are portered and a cook prepares all your meals. The trek takes you through well-defined altitudinal vegetation zones, from semi-arid scrub to dense cloud forest. It is open to any normally fit and healthy person prepared for physical exertion and exercise. Walking approximately 60 kilometers, you start from Marangu Gate (1,860m) and gradually ascend, with night stops, to reach Gillman’s Point (5,680m) and finally Uhuru Peak (5,896m), the actual summit. DAY 01: ARRIVAL Arrival into JRO, meet and great byAuthentic Kilimanjaro representative transfer to the Lodge/Hotel Dinner and Overnight at Ilboru Safari Lodge HB. Day 02: Marangu route Gate (1980m) – Mandara hut (2700m) Hiking time: 5 hours Distance: About 12 km’s Habitat: Montane forest Drive from hotel to the Kilimanjaro National Park gate, takes about 90 minutes. The journey passes through Moshi and Nairobi, which is located far from Arusha town. Once you reach the park gate, all hikers are requested to sign in at the Park office and make their final preparations for the climb. Porters will be seen arranging and loading their packs, containing the food, water, cooking gas as well as most of your equipment. Make sure that you have all your daypack items (containing at least drinking water, your lunch pack and extra clothing) with you as the porters ascend a lot quicker than the hikers. Our guides will be available to assist with any additional information or needs you might have. You now leave the Park gate and ascend on a cleared ridge trail through the rain forest. The forest, suffused with mist and dripping with beards of moss, is also where most of Kilimanjaro animals are found. (An alternative and more scenic parallel forest trail, branches off to the left a few minutes after the gate. This trail follows the edge of a stream through the undergrowth and offers you the option to rejoin the main trail either, after 1½ hours hiking, or 1 hour before Mandara hut.) Your first night stop, Mandara hut, is a group of wooden A-framed huts in a forest clearing. Each hut features 6 -8 sleeping bunks with solar generated lighting. The total capacity of the camp is 60 climbers. Water is piped into the camp from springs above and there are flush toilets behind the main hut. Day 03: Mandarahut-(2700m-Horombo-hut(3720m) Hiking time: 6 hours Distance: About 15 km’s Habitat:Moorland From Mandara hut the trail passes through a short stretch of forest, then skirts the base of the Maundi Crater and then emerges into the transition from rain forest to moorland. It is well worth a short detour to scramble up the rim of the Maundi Crater for your first really impressive view of the Kibo Crater. On a clear day, Kibo will glimmer in the distance, showing off her majestic glaciers in the morning sun. Once you are in the open moorland you will get the chance to see some of Kilimanjaro’s most spectacular plants – the endemic giant lobelia which grows up to 3 m in height and the giant groundsel (SeneciaKilimanjari), which can reach heights of 5m! After about 6 hours from here you reach the Horombo hut, where you will have hot washing water, rest; an evening meal and overnight. Day 04: Horombo-hut(3720m)Full-day Hiking time: 6 hours Distance: About 15 km’s Habitat:-Moorland Stay for full day at Horombo for acclimatization. Day 05 Horombo hut (3720m) – Kibo hut (4700m) Hiking time: 6 hours Distance: About 15 km’s Habitat: Alpine desert After breakfast you now continue your ascent into the Alpine desert habitat. From Horombo there are two trails to the “Saddle” (which refers to the area located between the peaks of Mawenzi and Kibo). There is an upper route (right hand fork) and lower route (left hand fork) to choose from. The upper route (right hand fork) will be very familiar, as you will have climbed most of it the previous day towards Mawenzi hut. It is very stony and eroded. The recommended lower route (left hand fork) is much easier and nearly an hour and it also passes the last watering point at 4130m. You will have to fill your water bottles with all the water you will need until your return to Horombo hut in two night’s time (unless you are willing to buy Mineral water at Kibo hut). Once again remember to slow down and drink enough water!! Situated in the barren Alpine desert is Horombo hut, a stone build block house which has bunk beds for 60 climbers, but no streams with water nearby. It is however possible to buy mineral water and soft drinks at the camp office. There are platform toilets behind the hut. The summit is now a further 1195m up and you will make your final ascent the same night. Prepare your equipment, ski-stick and thermal clothing for your summit bid. This should include the replacement of your headlamp and camera batteries and make sure you have a spare set available as well. To prevent freezing it will be wise to carry your water in a thermal flask. Go to bed at round about 19h00 and try to get as much rest and sleep as possible. Day 6: SUMMIT ATTEMPT, Kibohut(4700m)–Uhurueak(5895m)Horombohut(3720m) Hiking time: 8 hours to Uhuru – 6 hours to descend to Horombo Distance:6 km’s ascent – 21 km’s descent Habitat:Stone-scree-and-ice-capped-summit You will rise around 23h30, and after some tea and biscuits you shuffle off into the night, and this is where the going really gets tough. The first section of the trail consists of a rocky path to the Hans Meyer Cave (5150m), also a good resting spot. The path then zigzags up to Gillman’s point (5 681m), which is located on the crater rim. This section is very steep with a lot of stone scree, requiring a great physical and mental effort. Probably the most demanding section of the entire route Do the Kilimanjaro shuffle and move slowly. From Gillman’s Point you will normally encounter snow all the way up to Uhuru peak (5895m), the highest point in Africa. Total exhilaration and satisfaction – you made it. Weather conditions on the summit will determine how long you will be able to spend, taking photographs, before the 3 hour descent back to Kibo hut. After a short rest you gather all your gear you left behind for the ascent and head down to Horombo hut (3 hours) for your overnight. The return to Horombo hut will seem surprisingly fast compared to the ascent. The total time spent walking on this day is around 14 hours, so be prepared for a very tough day. Later in the evening you enjoy your last dinner (with soft drinks and beer for sale at the camp office) on the mountain and a well-earned sleep, filled with memories and stirring emotions. Day 7: Horombohut(3720m–MaranguGate(1980m) Hiking time 6 hours Distance:About27km’s After breakfast you continue your descent (6 hours), passing the Mandara hut, down to the Marangu gate. At Marangu gate you sign your name and details in a register. This is also where successful climbers receive their summit certificates. Those climbers who reached Gillman’s Point (5685m) are issued with green certificates and those who reached Uhuru Peak (5895m), receive gold certificates. A vehicle will meet you at Marangu village to drive you back to the Hotel in Arusha Dinner and Overnight at Impala Hotel or similar NB: Don’t forget to tip your guides and porters. It is time for celebration! “End of Authentic Kilimanjaro Services

Machame Route

Machame Route, Climb Mount Kilimanjaro via Machame Route, Kilimanjaro Budget Climbing , Machame Route Trekking,Mount Kilimanjaro Budget Trekking,let us organizing your Budget Kilimanjaro Climbing 6 days machame Route. Machame, known as the “Whiskey” route, is now the most popular route on the mountain. Compared with Marangu, the days on Machame are longer and the walks are steeper. It is considered a difficult route, better suited for more adventurous folks, and those with some hiking or backpacking experience. The minimum number of days required for this route is six days, although seven days is recommended. Climbers sleep in supplied tents at designated campsites, and eat meals either outdoors or inside a large dining tent. Staff prepares all meals and sets up the tents. The Machame route is scenically beautiful and varied. Machame approaches from the southwest and descends using Mweka, rewarding climbers with views of the expansive Shira Plateau, an optional scramble up Lava Tower, a climb up the Great Barranco Wall, and a traverse underneath Kilimanjaro’ Southern Ice field. Day 01: Arrive in Arusha /Kilimanajaro Meet and Great with Authentic Kilimanjaro representative transfer to the Hotel We will meet you late in the evening for a short climbing orientation. We will give you a climb briefing and answer any questions you have about the climb. We will also do an equipment check with each person to be sure that you are fully prepared. Accommodation and meals at Impala Hotel -Arusha Day 02: Machame Hut Camp (10,000′) (day 1 on the mountain)Drive for 1 hour from Arusha to Machame gate (10,000ft) for registration, and meet the rest of the crew (Cooks and Porters) ready for the climb. We will start the climb through rainforest and the giant heathers for 6 hrs to our first overnight camp. Day 03: Shira Camp (12,480′) (day 2 on the mountain)Short day but rather steep rocky and dusty trails. It’s a slow hike with plenty of breaks and enough time to acclimatize. Most of the route is rather bare of vegetation providing little shade from heat. You will cross many ridges and see the first of many Senecias Day 04 Barranco Camp (13,000′) (day 3 on the mountain)Start with climbing over boulders and very few rocks, then steady uphill climb to Lava tower and stop for lunch around noon. For those interested we may climb up the Lava tower which is 14850ft (You may start to get a mild headache due to altitude change). From Lava tower we will go down for about 2 hrs through dusty and rocky trails to the Barranco Camp at 13000ft. Day 5: Karanga Valley Camp (13,450′) (day 4 on the mountain)Start scrambling up the Barranco wall for an hour and half which is steep and you will be using your hands to reach and steady yourself like rock climbing, although it’s not as challenging as rock climbing. At the top of the wall you can see the Barranco valley and the campsite you spent a night before. You will walk up and down the greener valley which is the last water point to the mountain. Day 06: Barafu Hut Camp (14,200′) (day 5 on the mountain)Short but steep uphill climb across barren landscape with lots of boulders and shattered rocks. You will see the Decken glaciers on your left. Keep going a very steep ridge until we reach a rocky section for more scrambling for about hour and half. Our next camp will be on large rocks with very steep cliff faces. We will go to bed very early because we will have to wake up at 11.00p.m for the summit Day 07: Summit Day and Mweka Hut (10,500′) (day 6 on the mountain)We will start the climb at around midnight. We will start with very steep rocks for 1 hour, and then will enter a snow covered area where you can see glaciers above. If it’s a moonlight night, you may turn off your headlamp and walk in the moonlight, it is a wonderful experience. Next 2 hours to Stella Point, we will take a break every 15 minutes as a struggle gets more mentally and physically challenging. Then we will get to Stella Point where the Lava fields are like loose sand. It’s very funny and frustrating because you will take a step up and slide back gaining 0 distances and if not careful slide back 2 steps and gain negative 2 steps. After breakfast, we will climb to UHURU PEAK for 1 hr just as the sun appears over the Mawenzi peaks. We will be at UHURU PEAK (19370ft) around 6.00 or 7:00am. We will start our descent which is steep and rigorous via Stella Point to Barafu hut Camp. We will stop at Barafu Camp for lunch and a good rest before we proceed down to Mweka camp, a very comfortable hike, but very dusty and long. Day 08: Arusha (day 7 on the mountain and hike out) Today’s hike will take us about 4 to 5 hours to make the 4,500 feet descent to the park gate. We will check out and receive Kilimanjaro climbing certificate at the park gate office, then eat our lunch and say goodbye to our mountain staff. After lunch we will drive through very beautiful coffee plantations and small villages of the Chaga people back to Arusha, for a nice hot shower or swimming at the lodge and relax, .ready for departure home or onto wildlife safari the next day (Dinner and overnight at Arusha Hotel “End of Authentic Kilimanjaro services

Thursday 20 March 2014

Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris

Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris , combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris, Tailor Made Kenya and Tanzania Safari, Kenya budget safari, explore Tanzania and Kenya safari, Kenya and Tanzania Honeymoon Safari. Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris this 12 day private safari holiday starts in Kenya with the nature reserves of Samburu, Nakuru and the Masai Mara. You then head into Tanzania and the world famous Serengeti reserve before heading to the Ngorongoro and its crater. Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris Day 01. Nairobi Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris you begin your magical holiday today as you board your flight to Kenya – the heart of African safari!! On arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, you are met by a Representative of Genet adventure safaris and transferred to the hotel. Meals and overnight at PanafricHotel . Day 02. Nairobi – Samburu Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris after breakfast, drive to reach Samburu, which lies on the edge of the vast semi-desert lands of northern Kenya, in time for lunch. An afternoon game drive will introduce you To the animals which are peculiar to this area – the reticulated giraffe, gravy’s zebra, the Somali Ostrich among other flora and fauna. Meals and overnight at SamburuSopa. Day 03.Samburu Discover Kenya and Tanzania another exploration of this harshly beautiful reserve where game abounds, especially in the forested fringes of the UasoNyiro River, which flows gently through the dry landscape. Lunch is followed afternoon at leisure; perhaps by the pool side before a late afternoon game drive which returns you to the lodge by sundown. Meals and overnight at SamburuSopa. BDL Day 04.Samburu – Nakuru Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris after breakfast at the lodge depart for Nakuru Via Nyahururu. Lunch at Thompson Falls. Descend into the Great Rift Valley where lakeNakuru is located. Visit the world famous bird sanctuary in the lake Nakuru national park, noted for its huge concentration of flamingoes. After lunch in the park, embark on a late afternoon game drive. Meals and overnight at Lake Nakuru Lodge. Day 05. Lake Nakuru – Masai Mara Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris leave the beautiful lake to drive across the lunar landscape of the Great Rift Valley. On reaching the bottom of the road there is a distinct change in vegetation. The forest is now replaced by flat-topped acacias (Umbrella thorn) and candelabra euphorbia. You reach the 1,782 sq. km. Masai Mara Reserve Kenya’s best-known game reserve in time for lunch. In the afternoon explore the rolling hills and plains for a wonderful sight of the great numbers of different species of animals found here… An afternoon game drive introduces the visitor to the terrain and animals. Meals and overnight at Mara Sopa. Day 06.Masai Mara Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris before breakfast game drive is favoured by some tourists. Hot coffee, tea and bitings are laid out for the early risers. As the lioness usually does the hunting, sometimes helped by the lion, this game drive may reward tourist with the sight of the black mane lion enjoying the kill. One is sure to see antelope grazing peacefully, especially if one of their family has provided the meal. They feel quite safe to go on with their lives. The other animals one will see are buffalo, elephant, Burchell’s zebra, and Masai giraffe. The park also has black rhino, cheetah, leopard, MasaiOstrich, in fact all the animals are in this world famous park. After breakfast, you might prefer to enjoy a swim in the cool water. The attentive staff will keep you supplied with cool drinks. Lunch and another game drive. As the evening progresses the weather gets cooler. Your tour guide will take you where you may see leopard resting in a tree, protecting the kill he has dragged up with him. After dinner there will be traditional Samburu Singing and dancing Meals and overnight at Mara Sopa. Day 07.Masai Mara Reserve Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris another whole day of game viewing in a different part of the Masai Mara Reserve. The Northern Serengeti is where the great migration takes place usually about July/August when the rains move south and grass is plentiful across the Mara River. Even before it is time for the migration, groups of wildebeest are seen close to the Mara River assembling for the migration. Nearer to the time the animals form long queques, Grunts and snorts are heard and fights are not uncommon. In the recent past this phenomena has been classed among the new Seven Wonders of the World. Meals and overnight at Mara Sopa. Day 08.Masai Mara – Serengeti Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris you will depart with picnic boxes after breakfast. Drive to the Isebania border where you will meet with the Tanzania driver and after some brief border formalities, you will proceed on safari. Lunch and Game drive will be en route. Dinner and overnight at Serengeti Sopa Lodge Day 09. Serengeti Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris after breakfast proceed on a morning game drive returning to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon, another game drive can be taken to explore this park famous for large concentrations of plains game such as zebra, wildebeest and gazelle. Meals & overnight at Serengeti Sopa. BDL Day 10. Serengeti – Ngorongoro Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris after breakfast, depart for Ngorongoro crater via Olduvai Gorge site of archaeological findings, where traces of pre-historic people dating back to 3.5 million years have been discovered. Picnic lunch will be eaten at Olduvai Gorge. Continue to Ngorongoro and arrive in the evening. Meals & overnight at NgorongoroSopa BDL Day 11.Ngorongoro Crater Discover Kenya and Tanzania after breakfast at the lodge, proceed on a half-day crater Tour. In the crater you can see a spectacular array of wildlife including the big five. The crater has a variety of ecosystem including grassland forest and swamp. The lake on the crater floor is home to Flamingoes and many other species of birds. The rest of the day at leisure. Meals & overnight at Ngorongoro BDL Day 12.Ngorongoro – Amboseli Discover Kenya and Tanzania after breakfast, you will be transferred to Namanga Boarder to reach in the afternoon hours. Lunch will be enroute. After border formalities, you will picked by a Kenyan driver and transferred to Amboseli. Game drive enroute will introduce you to the beauty of this park which lies in the shadow of Africa’s highest mountain, KilimaNjaro (19,340 ft). arriving to your lodge at sunset to watch a spectacular African sunset. Meals and overnight at AmboseliSopa . Day 13.Amboseli – Depart. Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris early morning Game drive is bound to reveal either lion at a kill or enjoying a kill, with hyena and marabou stork waiting for their turn to feast. Mount Kilimanjaro will not be cloud covered at this time, revealing its majesty. The visitor can bid farewell to this mountain after breakfast before returning to Nairobi in time for lunch at the carnivore hotel. Later, you will be transferred to the airport for your home bound flight. End of Discover Kenya and Tanzania Safaris Services

Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris

Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris , Tanzania Budget Camping Safaris, Tanzania Safaris, Tanzania Adventure, Tanzania Tours, Tanzania Budget Safari, Tanzania camping safari, Kenya safaris, Kenya Budget camping Safaris, Kenya Adventure, Kenya Tours Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris this is a 13-day luxury safari traversing through Kenya’s and Tanzania’s best game parks, with a chance to see East Africa’s rich wildlife and cultural heritage. Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris your safari takes you to Amboseli, Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Lake Manyara, Aberdares, Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara. Remember that between Kenya and Tanzania you have the most diverse and abundant wildlife in the whole of Africa. The spectacular scenery and varied ecosystems are a bonus worth mentioning. Tour Length: 12 Nights Day 1 : Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris on arrival at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport you will be met by TKS Official and transferred to the Nairobi Safari Club. Overnight at Nairobi Safari Club based on Bed and Breakfast basis. Day 2 ; Nairobi – Masai Mara Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris after breakfast 0730 hrs drive through the floor of the Rift Valley via the Masai town of Narok to arrive at Kenya’s most populous park, the Masai Mara Game Reserve in time for lunch at Mara Sopa Lodge / Mara Simba Lodge. Later proceed with game en-route to Mara Simba Lodge, Masai Mara. Masaimara has migrants, well over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. Although July, August and September are the months when the Mara plains are filled with migrating wildebeest and zebra, there is also resident wildlife year round. The famous Masai tribesmen live within the dispersal area of the game reserve. Dinner and overnight at Mara Sopa Lodge / Mara Simba Lodge. Day 3: Masai Mara Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris morning and afternoon game drives in the Masai Mara. Lunch, Dinner and overnight at Mara Sopa Lodge / Mara Simba Lodge. Day 4: Mara – Lake Nakuru Combine Safari Kenya and Tanzania after breakfast leave for Nakuru with a game drive enroute. Arrive in Lake Nakuru National park in time for lunch. Lunch at Lion Hill lodge. Afternoon game drive. This is a chance to visit a unique sanctuary catering for a sizable number of the endangered rhinocerous and the Rothschild giraffe. Water bucks as well as and the predators such as the lion and leopard are common at the park. Also to be seen is a myriad different variety of birdlife in and around the lake. Flamingoes are also plenty at the lake. Dinner and overnight at Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge Day 5: Lake Nakuru – Aberdares Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris breakfast at Lake Nakuru National Park. Depart after breakfast for Treetops Lodge, one of the 4 Kenya’s Tree Hotels. Lunch is at Outspan hotel. Later transfer to Treetops lodge for game viewing. Afternoon of game watching from the comfort of your room, or bar or Restaurant. Before you reach the lodge it is advisable to have a stop to admire the 73m plunge of the Thompson Falls named after the Scottish explorer who first saw them them in the late . Dinner and overnight at Treetops lodge. Day 6: Aberdares – Nairobi – Amboseli Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris you are picked up after breakfast, drive to Nairobi for lunch at the Thorn Tree Restaurant. You then proceed south to Amboseli National Park and check in at AmboseliSopa Lodge at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa?s highest mountain. Dinner and overnight at Amboseli Serena Lodge Day 7: Amboseli National Park Combine Safari Kenya and Tanzania early morning game drive. Breakfast at the lodge.Morning at leisure.Lunch at the Lodge. Afternoon game drive. The snows of the mountain forms a majestic backdrop to one of Kenya’s most popular spectacular displays of wildlife – lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, cheetah, buffalo and host of plains game, creating Kenya’s most sought after photographer’s paradise. After lunch proceed for an afternoon game drive in the Park. Dinner and overnight at Amboseli Serena Lodge. Day 8: Amboseli – Arusha – Lake Manyara Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris breakfast will be served at Amboseli Serena lodge. drive through Namanga border into Tanzania and drive to Arusha town to arrive in time for lunch. After lunch proceed to Lake Manyara National Park and check in at atKirurumu Tented lodge. Bird life in the park is very broad. The home of tree-climbing lion, the park is also home to giraffes, hippo, zebra, and buffalo. Dinner and overnight at Kirurumu Tented lodge. Day 9 Lake Manyara – Serengeti Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris after breakfast, game drive will be provided and later drive to Serengeti National reserve. Lunch at the Serengeti Sopa Lodge. Depart for the afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at Serengeti Sopa Lodge. Day 10 : Serengeti National Park Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris early morning game drive. Breakfast at the lodge Morning at leisure. 1230 hrs Lunch at the Serengeti Sopa Lodge.Afternoon game drive. Serengeti is Africa?s largest national park and also one of its most popular. The park has an incredible number of animals, wildebeeste being the most populous followed by zebra. Elephants are notably scarce. Cheetahs and the rest of the big cats are regularly sighted in the plains. The few remaining endangered black rhino are restricted to the MoruKoppies area. The park is also famous for the wilde-beeste migration, often described as one of the most impressive spectacle in the natural world. Arrive in time for lunch. Afternoon proceed for a game drive. Dinner and overnight at Serengeti Sopa Lodge. Day 11 Serengeti – Ngorongoro Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris after breakfast, drive with game drive en-route to Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Lunch at the NgorongoroSopa Lodge.Aftrenoon at lesuire. Dinner and overnight at NgorongoroSopa Lodge. Day 12 Ngorongoro Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris early breakfast After breakfast descend into the crater for with picnic lunches for a day game drive. NgorongoroCrater, is one the largest intact caldera in the world and one of the most spectacular sights in the whole of Africa. The Olduvai Gorge in the neighborhood is the site where some off Africa?s oldest hominid fossils were found. The Crater has one of the densest predators populations in Africa. Elephant, lion, zebra, wildebeest and a host of other resident animals are to be found here. Dinner and overnight at NgorongoroSopa Lodge. Day 13: Ngorongoro – Arusha -Nairobi Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris breakfast at your lodge.0830 hrs You will drive back to arrive in Arusha in time for lunch. After lunch continue to Nairobi on regular shuttle bus and drop off at Panafric hotel. Pick up from Panafric hotel and drive to Carnivore Restaurant. This restaurant is famous for its succulent steaks as welcome or farewell dinner. Later You will be transferred by Africa point staff to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your flight home. Remarks: Departures for Minimum 2 people is available. End of our Combine Kenya and Tanzania Safaris Services.

5 Days Tanzania Budget Safari

5 Days Tanzania Budget Safari this is 5 days Tanzania budget safari departing Arusha, that visits the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tarangire National Park and Lake Manyara Legendary tree-climbing lions and impressively tusked elephants. With your own private guide and vehicle, game drives follow your own pace and interests, providing a truly unforgettable African safari experience 5 Days Tanzania Budget Safari Itinerary Day 1: Arusha – Lake Manyara In the morning you’ll drive across the floor of the Great Rift Valley to Lake Manyara National Park. This beautiful park with it’s lush vegetation and tropical forests of giant fig and mahogany trees, takes its name from the Maasai word for “euphorbia tirucalli”, a bush which is used to make a thorny hedge to protect their cattle. Elephant, giraffe, buffalo, zebra and a variety of antelope inhabit the park as well as a variety of monkeys and a large population of hippo’s. If you are lucky you may see the Manyara lions, well known for their tree climbing habits, lazily resting on the branches of an “Acacia tortilis” tree. The birdlife is also abundant with flamingos, pelicans, hornbills and plenty of forest species. Overnight at a public campsite at Lake Manyara. Lunchbox and dinner included Day 2: Ngorongoro Crater After breakfast you return to Lake Manyara for a second game drive before proceeding to Ngorongoro Conservation Area. After set up the tents at the camp you go for afternoon a Walking safari at the Northern Crater Rim of Ngorongoro Crater inhabited by buffaloes, elephants, baboons, monkeys and different species of birds. Escorted by an armed ranger you follow animal paths through dense bush. Overnight at Simba Public Campsite at Ngorongoro. All meals included Day 3: Ngorongoro Crater After breakfast you decent into the crater for a wonderful game drive (with a picnic lunch) inside the Ngorongoro Crater. As very few animals migrate in and out of the crater with its 2000 ft. high walls, you can expect to see lions, elephants, zebras, hippos, flamingos, jackals, rhinos, antelopes, many birds and other species. Your Driver/Guide will be in contact with other safari drivers and will amaze you with his skill at locating the hidden animals. Late afternoon proceed on your way to Serengeti National Park with game viewing en route. Overnight at Simba Public Campsite at Ngorongoro. All meals included Day 4: Tarangire National Park Your Tour starts with the drive to Tarangire, Tanzania’s third largest national park and sanctuary for an unusually large elephant population. Majestic baobab trees are an interesting feature of the park, dwarfing the animals that feed beneath them. Animals concentrate along the Tarangire River, which provides the only permanent water supply in the area. There is a great diversity of wildlife including lion, leopard, cheetah and up to six thousand elephant. A cultural visit with the semi-nomadic tribes are also included. Overnight at a public campsite at Tarangire. All meals included. Day 5: Tarangire-Arusha Early morning game drive at Tarangire. Afterwards you return toArusha,Reach to Arusha in the afternoon proceed to the Airport for your flight back home/ Zanzibar . For more info click here

Wednesday 19 March 2014

South Luangwa National Park – Zambia

The most fertile area of the Luangwa Valley is the wide alluvial plain and riverine area where South Luangwa National Park and its many safari camps and lodges are located. By combining fantastic wildlife with extremely high-quality guiding, Luangwa comes out near the top of the list of Africa’s most famous parks. Safaris to South Luangwa The three ways to get to South Luangwa National Park are to fly in and stay at one of the camps or lodges provided; to drive yourself into and around the park in a 4WD; or to arrange a safari company from outside to drive you into the park. The easiest of these is to fly in, because it is the most relaxing and your time is relatively limited. This is how almost all the trips arranged by Expert Africa are set up. From Lusaka we usually organise a short 70-minute flight with Proflight, which takes you to Mfuwe Airport. On arrival, you will be met by someone from your safari camp, and transferred to the camp. There you will be welcomed by the team with some time to settle in, before heading out on an activity such as a safari walk or drive. South Luangwa safari camps and lodges South Luangwa boasts several world-class safari camps which all offer exciting safari walks and drives with first-class guides. Some also offer excellent mobile and fly-camp options. Almost all the South Luangwa safari camps and lodges lie in natural bush along the Luangwa River or one of its tributaries, with game regularly roaming through camp. Most of the camps recommended by Expert Africa lie away from the main Mfuwe gate, spaced a considerable distance from each other, where it is unusual to see vehicles from other camps during your game drive. Closer to the gate, however, there is more activity and other vehicles are less of a rarity. In style, the safari camps in the South Luangwa National Park differ widely, from sophisticated safari lodges to the simplest of bush camps. Many, such as Tafika Camp, Kaingo and Kafunta, with their tiny satellite walking camps, are still owner run; others, such as Nkwali and Kapani, are operated by companies that retain the strong personal ethic of their founders. For families or small groups, a safari house might be a good option, while the more adventurous can choose to spend a night or two camping. At the other end of the spectrum, you could even stay in chandeliered splendour at the old presidential lodge. Just ask us about the many options; we know all these camps from first-hand experience! Activities on a South Luangwa safari In most safari camps and lodges within the South Luangwa National Park you will enjoy a game drive or walk in the early morning, and a second in late afternoon. The hours between are yours to linger over lunch and enjoy a siesta, or spend time watching the birds and animals in camp. Game drives usually take place in open-topped 4WD vehicles, and an afternoon drive may continue after dark in search of the park’s nocturnal creatures. On a walking safari, you can expect a leisurely pace, with fascinating input from an expert guide, accompanied by an armed ranger. One of two of the South Luangwa camps, such as Kaingo, where there are several hides well suited to keen photographers, offer a third activity. At Tafika, you may be able to take to the air in a microlight. And in the so-called ‘emerald season’, a handful of camps operate safaris that include river trips. Wildlife of South Luangwa South Luangwa supports a very rich flora and fauna, and the key to this is in the valley’s soils. These were originally volcanic in origin, so are often rich in minerals and nutrients, augmented by fine deposits from the river. Combine these with plenty of rainfall and a position about 12–14° from the Equator, where there is plenty of light, and you have the base for a lush and diverse plant growth. Animals of South Luangwa National Park Amongst South Luangwa’s many herbivores, three several stand out as being endemic to the area. The beautiful Thornicroft’s giraffe has a different (and more striking) coloration than the giraffes in the rest of southern Africa. Cookson’s wildebeest differ in having slightly reddish bands and often ‘cleaner’ colours – and they are also a little smaller and more compact than their blue cousins. Finally Crawshay’s zebra is an endemic a subspecies of the more common plains zebra, completely lacking its cousin’s brown shadow-stripes between the black stripes. Elephant and buffalo occur in herds hundreds strong, and antelope, especially impala and puku, are numerous. Impala are very adaptable: they can browse and graze, whilst puku are best suited to well-watered riverine areas. The main predators in the Luangwa Valley are lion, leopard, spotted hyena and wild dog. Of these, lion are probably the most common, and their large prides are often easily spotted. South Luangwa has a top reputation as a first-class park for leopard. This is largely because leopard hunt nocturnally, and South Luangwa is one of Africa’s few national parks to allow spotlit night drives. Wild dog are uncommon, but sightings have been becoming much more numerous in recent years. They’re now regularly seen, especially around February to May, and it seems likely that their numbers are growing. Birds of South Luangwa National Park As you’d expect of a fertile valley, the Luangwa boasts a rich tropical birdlife including birds of dry-country and water-based habitats. About 400 species have been observed here, including many typical of Southern Africa – and a few more usually known from East Africa. The best time to visit the South Luangwa for birds is around December to March: the ‘emerald season’. Then summer migrants are here, lured by plentiful food. Once-dry plains have thick vegetation and water is everywhere, encouraging wading flocks of herons, egrets and storks and several species of geese and ducks. Of special note for birders are the plains and marshes of the Nsefu Sector, in the north of the park. During the rains there is a huge breeding colony of yellow-billed storks here – situated in a stand of tall trees, surrounded by shallow water. . Another birding highlight of the South Luangwa is the migrant carmine bee-eater: colonies of these iridescent birds nest in holes in the side of sandy riverbanks. The birds arrive around August–September and usually leave early in the new year, although their peak nesting activity is usually around September to October. Vegetation of South Luangwa National Park A patchwork of different vegetation zones includes the ever-present miombo forests, interspersed with open, herby ‘dambos’, or shallow lakes, and mopane forests – both the stunted variety, and the beautiful mature ‘cathedral mopane’. There are a few large open plains, although these aren’t common; most notable is the plain at the heart of the Nsefu Sector, with natural salt springs at its centre that attract crowned cranes in their thousands. But the Luangwa’s most interesting habitat must be the lush riverine vegetation that lines the Luangwa River, and the banks of many old river courses and small tributaries. Here you’ll find giant red mahogany trees, sausage trees, knobthorns and the hard, black African ebony trees – which form dense groves at several places in South Luangwa.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

The Majestic Display of Roman Shades

When you are working on your place, it is extremely important to design it in such a way that you can make the most out of it. There is absolutely no point fiddling with the quality of designs because home isn’t just a building, it is a place that holds memories. This is why you should try and explore the numerous choices and customize your place as beautifully as you can. Roman Shades and Their Eloquence If you are looking for something graceful, beautiful and eloquent, you should try and get familiar with roman shades. They look majestically beautiful and merelyglancing at them is sure to give you a thrill. We specialize in custom designing of roman shades. Even if you settle upon large designs and images, we can get it digitally printed on the roman shades and this is definitely going to beautify your place in ways more than one. The Best Digital Designs These days, digital designing is in vogue and you can find innumerable different designs and prints. We not only allow you to choose any of the easily available designs and prints, but at the same time, you have the liberty of making your own design and layouts. After you’re done with the same, you have the option of uploadingit and we will take care of all the remaining details. The kind of skills we have shown in the field of interior designing isnearly flawless and perfect. We make it a point to keep an eye on the latest trend meter and the ruling lanes of fashion. We will help you choosedesigns that are in tandem, what’s trending and what’s not. You can customize any part of your house and make them bear the mark of your own designs and the perfect touch of creativity as well. Feel free to pick the designs that you love and when we etch it on the roman shades with impeccable precision, we jazz them up to life. When you have some of the most beautiful roman shades and a plethora of other well designed stuffs, you are sure to receive a lot of compliments. Ostanding has been working in this field since a long time and the experience that we have gained over the years have made us even better at the work we perform. We do not believe in compromising with our own quality and we strive to offer you the best pieces that you can hope of. Those who have opted for our digital printing and interior decoration tips have always benefitted and left us rave reviews. We makeit a point to be very cautious when we are transferring the design to the element because we believe that it is the right design and the perfect touch that makes our services better than our competitors. The kind of digital designs that we have worked with is diverse and huge. You can check out the different designing tips we offer and behold our portfolio to pass a verdict.

Calling Card Pal

Calling Card pal is a unique calling card for making cheap international calls just as normal as possible without any complicated customizations to be done on the mobile device. It is simple in concept among many other international mobile dollars, which is customized for both yours and Android devices. Calling Card Pal is worth using not only for its “easy to use” feature and but also for its one-time configuration module. I recommended, and introduced Calling Card Pal to my office. As we are a developing company in the field of recruitment process, we tend to make international calls frequently. As a team, we were facing enormous issues while in communicating and contacting our international clients and candidates all over the world. We encountered difficulties right from financial issues till the improper and Distractible voice while speaking with the people on the other side; and sometimes at the time of calling few candidates, we’ve spent quite a lot of time for searching their exact location to make a check on their status of travelling to interviews. But when we started to use Calling Card Pal, we are experiencing so much of explicit advantages like it reduced our unnecessary bills and poor calling quality in and out of our mobile phones. We got a spectacular result in our work status as well. The main reason for the quality and success of Calling Card Pal is its developer, Netspectrum. Netspectrum spectacularly designed this application by frequently updating Calling Card Pal to pull out any bugs or errors and to make this cheap international mobile dialer more user friendly. One-time configuration with just your local access number is more than enough to start using the Calling Card pal, but if required a pin number can be added for security reasons. The size of Calling Cards Pal is just 1.5MB in Apple devices, but varies with products. It is specially designed and optimized for iPhone 5 as it basic requirement is iOS 5.0 and later. It is designed easily to make it compatible not only for iPhone but also for iPad and the iPod touch too. While using an Android device, Calling Card Pal requires 2.1 Android Version and later. With nearly 261KB, it can be easily saved in both mobile phones or in an external memory card. While in the time of incoming calls, we can get to know about the location of the caller with the destination time. There is a special feature that, we can able to detect Canadian and North American phone numbers. If you are changing your phone, then just update last configured details and get going with Calling Card pal as normally for seamless dialling. I am personally satisfied with Calling Card pal, and moreover, we are the team of 12 members who are very much in using and complementing Calling Card pal for making cheap international mobile phone calls. We all are using Calling Card pal to make both official phone calls and personal phone calls, which is giving us 100% satisfaction and trust towards Calling Card pal. We all recommend Calling Card pal as the best mobile dialer for international calling. It is definitely a 5/5 for all of its features.

Saturday 15 March 2014

How Our Digital Printing Solutions Can Help in Placement Marketing?

When you are looking to find the right kind of products that could be of use on placement marketing,it is our large sized made to order custom printed shades that can be of help. When you are choosing these services, you will be able to accentuate your products and make people understand as to how your products are the best that they could hope of. When you are looking to market your productsefficiently, you will have to take care of a lot of different strategies. There are so any options and choices that you have at hand and by opting to explore our customized solutions and befitting digital printing services, you can have some of the best marketing promotion of your product. What Is Placement Marketing? Placement marketing refers to a form of marketing which is a form of visual communication where in you make references to the products to make sure that you are carrying out the right form of promotion which can subsequently push your sales. There are a lot of different ideas that you can use and by opting to choose our digital printing serviceson roman shades, you can put the right kind of impression on your target audience. Ostanding is one of the top companies that is known for offering some of the bestcustomized solutions. Regardless of the size of digital prints that you want to etch, we can do it for you. We are skilled in the use of right technology and we have been making the most out of our knowledge to make sure that our clients are impressed with what we have tooffer. The results that we have managed to put forth have been hugely impressive. Apart from extendingour services to event managers and interior decorators and designers, we are also willing to help small and mid sized firm in attaining the right use of our reliable services. When you are looking to market your products, you have to make use of all the available resources in the most apt manner and when you are doing so, you should try and explore the details that can turn out to be of help. By choosing our custom design and even our large size made to order custom roman shades, you are going to create the most befitting difference that is sure to bring the right wave of difference to your business. The type of marketing that you are indulging in holds a lot of value and importance and you should always do your finest and keep your best foot forward. You should choose the most befitting form of marketing and when it starts reaping the right results for you, it will help you in the best manner. You can check out the details of the different services that we offer and after you have found the ones that will help you, you can implement the right ones and find the way your business will peak and the profits will soar as well.For more information click here.

The Benefits of Using Custom Shades in Interior Design

The interiors of our homes and offices reflect our personal style, tastes and personalities. The things we use to decorate the interiors of our private spaces should be carefully chosen so that they complement each other and provide us with a look we will feel welcomed and comforted by. One of the decorations that we use in our homes and office is the window treatments. There are many different types of window treatments, blinds of different varieties, curtains, shades and draperies are all parts of the treatments we do to our windows to create unique spaces. With so many different options open to us for use as window treatments why would we choose custom shades instead of draperies or curtains or regular shades? Window Treatment Options Roman Shades Roman shades or Romanblinds are a very popular method of covering windows. These shades can be made with fabrics that are heavy enough to block out light and visibility or the material of the shades can be thin enough that it allows the light to be filtered into the room. It is said that the Roman shades were the direct result of the usage of damp towels in the windows of homes around the Roman Coliseum. During this period, people had previously not covered their windows because these openings provided much needed light and air into the rooms. They began to hang damp towels over these openings because of the dust in the air. This dust would enter the room and coat, the furnishings and the clothing of the people as well. Once the use of the damp towels caught on the people of Rome began to experiment with different fabrics, styles and ways of placing the items over the window openings. They began to use these protective barriers as ways to make their rooms look prettier and reflect their sense of style. Today Roman shades are used for their practical purposes, as well as for their ability to make a room look prettier and reflect the personal style of the occupants. Roman blinds generally have soft pleats that are created by the dowel rods that are attached to allow the material to be raised or lowered, thus exposing the window behind the blind. The fact that these shades are made from fabric means they look more like draperies than like blinds. Roman blinds can be custom designed to create a unique look in a room. Interior designers love this aspect of this window treatment. They can cover large windows easily and they can order pieces that reflect the personality, preferences and style of the individual customer. Shades These items are generally made of thick woven fabrics that have been cut to fit the window opening. Shades do not generally extend past the frame of the window. They are normally kept within the confines of the window frames. Shades are usually made to roll up onto a dowel rod placed at the top of the window. You generally grasp a tab that is on the bottom of the fabric and pull the shade down to cover the window pane. When you want to let the shade up your grasp the pull and gently tug twice so that the material will roll back up onto the dowel. Shades can be made from a thin plastic material. These types of shades are used in commercial applications in storage areas and in residential areas, they are placed in windows that are going to have sheers and valances used as decorative accessories in the room. Most of the time shades are used as a means of blocking a great deal of light or creating a barrier so that visibility into the room is restricted. These items are not usually used as focal design points in the room. Windows that are large or oddly shaped may pose a problem when you start to order shades to fit them. Roman shades are often used over the larger windows in commercial and residential areas. Blinds Blinds are used in both residential settings and in commercial buildings. In commercial buildings, you are more likely to see blinds used as window treatments instead of fabric items like draperies or Roman shades. Blinds are made of several separate pieces. The pieces are attached by a cord and then the cord is used to manipulate the various pieces and make the blinds open or close. Blinds usually are made with slats so that they can be opened in increments that allow the operator to let the exact amount of light they want in the room to enter. Blinds can be made from wood, plastic and other materials. They can be placed between the panes of glass that is placed in windows or doors. They are a contemporary style window treatment that is most frequently used in offices because they are benign and can be paired with any furnishings. White blinds are the most popular, but these items do come in many different colors. Blinds can be difficult to repair when they start having trouble opening correctly and they can be difficult to clean. You must clean between each slat of the blind and then clean each side of the blind. There are specialized tools that help you to clean these items. If your windows are very large, it may be difficult for you to find blinds to fit them. Roman shades are a better alternative for large windows. Draperies and Curtains Draperies are the most common style of window treatments in residences. You may recognize these items by the names curtains or drapes. There is very little difference between curtains and drapes. The main way to determine the difference between the two treatments is that draperies are normally heavy fabrics made to block out as much visibility as possible and curtains are often airy and light fabrics made to enhance the décor of the room. All draperies are fabric pieces used to cover the window. The fabric is made in panels and it will take two or more panels to cover a window opening. Each of the panels will be placed on a curtain rod that hangs above the window. When you want the window to be able to shine light into the room, the panels of the draperies are slid back on the rod and you apply ties to the center portion of the panels to hold the panels open. Some draperies are placed on rods with cords that pull them open, but some of them are manually pulled open by grabbing the fabric of the panel and pulling it on the rod. Sheers Sheers are simply curtains made of material that is sheer enough that you can easily see through it and light has no trouble penetrating it. These fabric panels are used on windows to enhance the look of heavier draperies and to soften the look of plastic shades. The sheer material gives the windows of the room the opportunity to blend in with the rest of the décor and yet they allow the window to have a shade placed in it four times that more visibility needs to be blocked. Sheer panels are often placed in windows that have heavy draperies. When the heavy panels of the draperies are pulled back to expose the window behind them, the sheers are there to soften the look of the window. The sheer material may be one of many different colors or it may have depictions of flowers, birds or other images stamped on the fabric to allow them to be more attractive. Valances A valance is a pretty piece of material that can be used alone as a window treatment, or can be paired with other treatments to add a special look to them. They are often placed above draperies, blinds and shades, to create a softer look in the room. Many interior designers use valances to make the room look more unique or to customize the room they are decorating. Shutters Shutters are a type of window treatments that are basically used on the exterior of the stricture. They help to add a measure of protection to the glass if you live in an area that experiences a lot of high wind damage. They are generally made of wood and when the two pieces of the shutters are closed, they are latched from the inside. They were extremely popular in colonial times and today most of the houses you see with shutters have ornamental shutters that do not actually open and close. Draperies help save energy costs by blocking drafts around windows and stopping the light from outside from heating the interior of the room. They also help to protect the furnishings in a room. The light of the sun can fade fabrics, so draperies are sued to stop this light from shining on the furnishings of a room and doing this type of damage. Custom shades from Ostanding are created by the customer. Each shade is completely different, because each customer chooses the images they want placed on their shades. There are endless design possibilities waiting to be created. The beautiful Roman style shades are easy to attach from the frames that hold them. That means they are very easy to clean and when the time comes to redecorate the space, it is very easy to change the entire look of the room by simply changing the decoration of the shades. The customer does not have to come into the showroom to order their custom shades from Ostanding. The unique pieces can be ordered from smartphones, tablets and home computers. Each customer will have the ability to make their selections and create their designs, from the comfort of their own homes, at their own conveniences. Customers will have the option of using pre-selected images that are available on the website, or they can upload their own personal images and have them used to create their Roman blinds. You will not find the constraints of predetermined sizes that you have to work with when you order your custom Roman shades. You will be able to order them in the size that fits your space with no adjustments to make. Over the years, interior designers have discovered that Roman shades are perfect window dressings for personal spaces and for commercial spaces as well. This type of window treatment gives the customer the ease of a shade while providing them with the luxurious look and feel of draperies. When you allow these window treatments to be customized with images the customer chooses, you provide rich window treatments that complete the look of the room. Each item that is placed into a room must be chosen with care so that all of the accessories complement each other and blend in harmony together. You do have to have a focal point for the room and with this custom Romanshades, you can make a focal point that is unique, attractive and easily changed. That means that with careful choices in the other features of the room you can redecorate by simply redressing the blinds, no repainting, no other changes required. Large window areas like the ones created by sliding glass doors, double windows or plate glass windows can easily be transformed into works of art. For an area that is decorated in a southwestern motif, the fabric of the custom shade could be crafted with a desert scene on it. This would cause the window area to blend in well with the other features of the room. The fabric of the Roman shade could be created with depictions of Native Americans and used as an attention grabbing focal point in the room. It would be like having a massive painting in the room. The custom shades could be personalized with pictures of places, people, animals or things that the individual might relate to. That means the shades could be given as gifts on Mother’s Day or on birthdays. A grandparent would love the pictures of their grandchildren and the shade would work like a picture album displaying all of their treasured children. They would love closing the shade to show their visitors all of their pictures. A business executive could actually use the custom shade panels to advertise their products. They could have the panels made with depictions of their products on them. They could either place these custom advertising shades in their own offices for visitors to see or they could give them to other businesses so that their visitors would see the advertisement. These shades could be used like banners on the side of a bus to display products and services. These items could be used to create a darker room in areas that people gather to watch videos. Almost any window treatment could be used to block out light, but what you want is to have an item that will block out the light and then when the video screen is not being viewed, will allow the room to look attractive. Custom designs are the answer to creating light blockers that are also attractive when they are not blocking the light. The way that a person uses their window shades is as individual as the person is. The interior designer needs to find out what the customer wants their shades to do for them before they suggest styles or materials to be used in the creation of them. Some people simply want to filter the ultra violet rays so the light coming into the room does not fade the carpeting or furnishings of the room. When people want their shades to filter light thinner materials can be used and lighter colors can be incorporated into the design. Some people want their shades to block all light from entering through the window. These individuals may be showing video in the room that the light interferes with or they might use the room as a place to sleep during the day and want it dark, so they can sleep. Materials to block out the light will need to be thicker and they need to be created with darker colors so light has a harder time penetrating them. Some people want the shades to help block the intrusion of outside air in the winter months. This helps to keep the utility bills down. If you have a large sliding glass door that leads to the pool, you will want to cover the door in the winter time to help lower the heating costs. Having the window covered in an attractive shade that complements the décor of the room provides you an attractive draft diverter. Since the family is accustomed to seeing the pool from this area in the summer months the material, the shade is crafted from could be created with scenes of the seasons. They could even be created with images of the family at play in their pool. The fabric covering the window would allow the family to have a pleasant reminder of the fun times that will come with the warmth of summer.